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We experience stress; when we cannot come to terms with a situation, which appears from the media reports; to be injustice.

If we accept it as a wish of God and not allow ourselves to be disturbed; then actually there is stress of accepting surrender and remaining inert and impotent.

Alternatively; if we were to reject and revolt against the unjust situation, then we get stressed; because; we have no clear and objective comprehension of the situation and no convincing road map to establish full proof justice.

What is true about situations is also true about individuals.

We are under stress; when we try to forgive someone; even when we are not convinced. In fact; through; such arbitrary (and unjust?) forgiveness we experience stress of being coaxed to be unduly sympathetic, sentimental and gullible. We get stress of being helplessness and pitiable!

Alternatively; we are stressed; even if we contemplate or try to take revenge in a vindictive manner. This is because we dont have unprejudiced and objective assessment and evaluation; of the crime or mistake; of that individual and dont have the knowledge of appropriate and just punishment or prayashchitta; to bring him/her to justice.

NAMASMARAN enables and empowers us; to see the underlying active divine reality.

Through NAMASMARAN; we overcome; our casual and superficial perception of the situation and dont accept or reject it. Instead; we keep focused on the underlying divine reality, and gratefully welcome its verdict (which is always just); while wholeheartedly discharging our duties.

In the same vein; through NAMASMARAN; we are no more gullibly and sentimentally forgiving or vindictively punishing; any individual. Instead; we are happily witnessing the divine operations underlying and discharging our duties!

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