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dritish Rescued 100 Of 80

xuaom Wits Fifth This Weelk-=Officer, 45 Men Missing

smarclr Sailors But' Lost Destroyer s~~~


1 by the a volley-9,975_ton D orsetshir of tor . e with-f pedoes. .. Additional Facts About The stroy Mashona was the fift?I iralty Great Sea Conflict this'week lost by the de_ her with . The other ad'Tr ot o lost t four Now Disclosed The Inwatershree cruisers a dmiralty rep around Creteofficer ported . London, May 29-(UP)-The adthat one In the and 45 seamen sinking of are missing miralty reported to-night that 100 The the . officers and men of the Bismarck men of reseue of 100 Mashona. the have been rescued and made pristhe h eavy t $isrnarck offleers and ~osses Contrasts oner. British in losses suffered with The admiralty revealed 'that the by the 42,100- on Hoodsinking British destroyer, Mashona, 1,870 the . warship's tons, one of the tribal class squadPersonneluly three o~ hat were rescued of about ron which rammed home a torpedo on . 1,500 attack upon the Bismarck, was sunk 0r om yesterday by German war planes . nnel ofI buththeame ber. same nurn_ Revealing additional details of the `it final hours of the Bismarck, the said, veossible," the admiralty said that the Nazi dreadfinal admiralty some details phase of the nought's great gun batteries were German of the battleship destruction of the silenced by the new 35,000-ton batTorpedo tleship King George V and the old attacksBismarck . craft the destroy by naval air33,900-ton Rodney before the waring the Yer attack er asght ship was given the coup - de grace H'1VLS . Sikh dur_ Ma in which the shi Partook in already psadditi ,on str to it lass ers, like the Sikh ,nof need (t In the al greatly speed of e ossack),tresulted reduced Bismarck being gear put out of acti . the steering n Both her armaments, main and fective. secondary however, remained efThe a$is commander-in-Chi ef of the fleet intended to close march at by dawn P gunfire from the and Sinkwith m k her thei Ahdney, Kina George "This intention abandoned owing to .however, was variable uncertain and necessary visibility which to made it fore closing wiawait full it dayli ght be. Shor th e m King GeOrgebefore 9 a m, nd H.iVLS. H.~17.5. engaged the a rmament . enemy with R odney Gunfire from their main battles these two hlps silenced the enemy. ordered eommander_in-chief the Bismarc~h Dorsetshire to then torpedoes." sink



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