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The barin is hte msot cmpoelx oagrn in eht hmaun bdoy.

It pcourdes our eervy tguoht, atocin, mmroey, fnelieg and experience of the world.

Left and right hemispheres

Verbal Analityc Part, detail Logical, rational Linear Factual, words Symbolic Convergent Objective Yan, masculine

Non - verbal Synthetic Wholes, big parts Intituive, creative Holistic Visual, colors Concrete Divergent Subjective Yin, femenine

Tips about our brain

If all neurons of a adult brain puts in single line (100.00) it will take up around 1.000 km.

Tips about our brain

the human brain weighs 1.400 grams, 25 % of daily- consumed calories have assigned to feed it.

Tips about our brain

While we are awake our brain consume the same quantity of electricy of a low voltage light bulb (25 watts).

Tips about our brain

The process to recognize a face: first you watch carefully the eyes of each other later the mouth and nose.

Tips about our brain

Each time humans blink, their brain kicks in and keeps things illuminated so the whole world doesnt go dark each time they blink, which is about 20,000 times a day.

Tips about our brain

Each time humans blink, their brain kicks in and keeps things illuminated so the whole world doesnt go dark each time they blink, which is about 20,000 times a day.

Mental games

Mental games

Mental games

Mental games

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