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Nursing as an ART

ART - creation of beautiful things

- CENTRAL to all helping professions, and enables persons to create a meaning in their lives - Means that people, relationship and things matter

Watson - Caring is the moral ideal of nursing whereby the end is Protection, Enhancement and Preservation of human dignity Leininger - Caring is the essence of nursing, and the distinct, dominant, central and unifying focus of nursing

6 Cs of CARING COMPASSION awareness of ones relationship with others, sharing their joys, sorrows, pain and accomplishments COMPETENCE having the knowledge, judgment, skills, energy, experience and motivation to respond adequately to others within the demands of professional responsibility CONFIDENCE the quality that fosters nursing relationship. Comfort with self, client & family CONSCIENCE morals, ethics and an informed sense of right and wrong. Awareness of personal responsibility COMMITMENT convergence between ones desires and obligations and the deliberate choice to act in accordance with them COMPORTMENT appropriate bearing demeanor, dress & language that are in harmony with a caring presence

Caring Processes by Swanson KNOWING striving to understand an event as it has meaning in the life of others BEING WITH being emotionally present to the other DOING FOR doing for others as he would do for the self if it were at all possible ENABLING facilitating the others passage through lifes transitions & unfamiliar events MAINTAINING BELIEF sustaining faith in others capacity to get through an event or transition & face the future with meaning

CARING FOR SELF A healthy Lifestyle

Nutrition Activity & Exercise Recreation Avoiding unhealthy patterns Guided imagery Meditation Story Telling Music Therapy Yogas

Mind-Body Therapist

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