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Armando Gonzalez Hon. Eng. Per. 5 Ms.

Burnett 10/29/11

G.P.S. Reflection 1. I wrote a 500 word essay not using any clichs and using alot of sensory details. The essay was about something I strongly believe in, and how we came to believe it. It was hard to write this essay because I had to remember how I felt on a certain day and why I felt that way making sure I added as much detail as I could. After I finished my essay I had to upload it on a website to share my story with more people. The website asked for an essay from 300 to 500 words about something you believe in. The website name is called this I 2.The GLPO(s) that were satisfied in this project were recognize prospective, and communicating ideas. I recognized my prospective, I had to reach deep down inside my thoughts to get all my information. I had to make sure it was my opinion and only mine. I communicated ideas by talking to my teacher and my class mates about what I was writing to make sure it made sense. I also shared my essay because I posted it on a website. 3. I learned a few skills and concept while completing this assignment. Some skills I learned were using a lot of sensory details. I learned to make my ideas to make sense. Some concepts I learned I learned were using the M.L.A. format. I also learned that using clich in writing is very bad. This will help me later on when I need to write essays in college or for colleges application. 4. If I could go back and change this project I would change the subject. I think my subject was too hard to write about and challenging to remember it. I would pick something more easier to write about so I could write a better essay. I took to much time trying to write and remember my belief. I didnt have enough time to make it good and add a lot more details to my final essay.

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