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The unit price is the price you pay per unit of food.

Unit pricing makes it easy to compare prices (since some packages weigh different amounts-you cant always just look at the total price). The unit price is the cost of each unit of measure. The unit of measure may be ounces, grams, pounds, quarts, liters, or gallons. Most unit pricing can be found on the price tags for the item found on the shelf. This also lets you see how expensive some items youre buying may actually be. This example shows ice cream costing almost 10 cents per ouncedo you know how much an ounce is?! TWO TABLESPOONS. It just helps to put everything in perspective. AND, have you ever noticed that sometimes the unit prices for different products go by different units? The biggest one that stands out in my mind is Costco and their toilet paper. Some units are by squares, others by length and it can be hard to CAUTION well be going over a little math now.

Unit Pricing

Why your hot chocolate is singing Every day we get new evidence that physicists are just like us: hungry. Physicist Frank Crawford noticed a strange, musical effect when he stirred a packet of hot chocolate mix into his water. Find out about the physics he discovered behind this odd, shifting sound. There is an astounding amount of physics centering on breakfast. The Butter Side Down Effect covers toast. The Brazil Nut Effect takes a look at breakfast cereal. The Cheerio Effect looks at . . . a different kind of cereal. The Coffee Ring effect takes into account the nation's drug of choice. And in 1982, the American Journal of Physics published the work of Frank Crawford. He had turned his attention to instant hot chocolate, and what happened when it was mixed into water. Every coffee cup vibrates at a certain frequency when it's struck with a spoon, giving off a specific tone. Filled with water, it vibrates at a different level and again gives off a specific tone. Add some powdered hot

chocolate, and the tone drops. As the powder dissolves in the cup,
the tone rises again. Why is this happening?

Crawford's explanation is simple; bubbles. As the powder is shoved

down into the liquid, it brings with it a few bits of air, clinging to the different grains. Stirring, to mix in the powder, also mixes in the air, and changes the liquid, just slightly, into a kind of foam. The foam slows down the speed of sound. The frequency at which the mug vibrates depends on the speed of sound. Slow down the sound, and the frequency drops, making the sound lower. As more of the powder dissolves in the water, and the stirring continues, the air bubbles are abandoned. They float to the top of the cocoa and pop, re-joining the air. As fewer and fewer air bubbles are in the liquid, the speed of sound through the liquid increases, the frequency increases, and the tone gets higher and higher.

Physicists have worked out what causes 'the coffee ring effect,' at least on a droplet-by-droplet scale, and how to circumvent it. Many of us have noticed that coffee drops, spilled on a counter, will not leave perfectly round smudges of color. Instead, the spilled coffee leaves a ring around the edge of places where the coffee droplets fell. This 'coffee ring effect' isn't a problem to wipe up with a sponge. But it becomes frustrating when you're dealing with paint or pigment samples that look fine when they're applied, but dry unevenly. Fortunately, physics rides to the rescue. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania discovered that to change the effect, you simply need to change the shape of the particles involved. Here's how that works.

What is the "coffee ring effect," and how can you stop it?

When a bead of water dries up it doesn't generally shrink into a smaller bead; it flattens. Most readers have observed water on a kitchen or bathroom counter slowly going from fat beads to shallower puddles to sheer slicks before drying up. The molecules of water can be attracted to certain surfaces. This means they hug close to the surface, the way the molecules in milk hug the sides of some containers so much that they 'climb' the walls slightly. Because of this, when the edge of the liquid evaporates new molecules of the liquid are 'pulled in' from the center to take their place. This makes the liquid flow from the middle to the sides of the drop, where it is finally evaporated. The liquid takes the pigment particles with it, leaving a clear middle and dark edges on a stain. But not all particles go with the flow. The University of Chicago scientists who first discovered the mechanism of the coffee ring effect used perfectly spherical particles, which break away from the surface of the water easily, allowing them to be transported from the middle of the droplet to the edges. Ellipsoid particles, on the other hand, are resistant to such flow. They dry much more evenly. If someone were to manufacture coffee that somehow broke into ellipsoid particles when suspended in water, it would leave nice, even-colored stains. Currently, there's no coffee company interested in something like that.

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Okt Tidak cukup dengan kata-kata perangsang yang bernas dan semangat berkobar-kobar ketika menyampaikan ucapan dasar semasa merasmikan Perhimpunan Agung Umno ke-61 hari ini, Presiden Umno YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak turut berpuisi untuk menyampaikan mesejnya. Perdana Menteri memetik bait-bait nukilan Sasterawan Negara, Allahyarham Usman Awang dan gurindam daripada tokoh persuratan, Tenas Effendy yang membicarakan Melayu. Bagi menggambarkan asal usul bangsa Melayu, Najib berpuisi:

Melayu itu, kaya falsafahnya, Melayu itu, orang yang bijaksana, Akal budi bersulamkan daya. Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu, Banjar juga disebut Melayu, Minangkabau memang Melayu, Keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu. Kadazan, Bajau, India Muslim dan Siam, Melanau, Bidayuh dan berpuluh suku kaum, Kita bersama dalam serumpun. Jakun dan Sakai asli Melayu, Arab dan Pakistani, semua Melayu, Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu, Malah mualaf bertakrif Melayu. Sebaik selesai membaca puisi itu sambil tersenyum simpul, Najib menerima tepukan gemuruh daripada 2,543 anggota perwakilan yang berada di dalam Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC). Ucapan Presiden Umno itu, yang disiarkan melalui siaran televisyen litar tertutup, turut mendapat sorakan daripada pemerhati dan hadirin di luar Dewan Merdeka yang penuh khusyuk mengikuti ucapannya. Najib kemudian meneruskan puisinya bagi menggambarkan perpaduan dan agama di negara ini.

Watak Melayu menolak permusuhan, Setia dan sabar tiada sempadan. Maruah dan agama dihina jangan, Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan. Daripada perspektif kepimpinan dan amanah, Melayu dimadahkan: Menjadi pemimpin sifatnya agung, Syarak dipakai adat dijunjung. Hidupnya mengabdi kepada rakyat, Taat setia membela umat. Di akhir petikan puisi itu, Najib membaca rangkap yang menyimpulkan Melayu sebagai: Dijadikan induk kuat berdiri, Umat sentosa bertuahlah negeri. Berdasarkan baris-baris yang saya lafazkan, begitu langsung memperlihatkan betapa, dalam sifat, psikologi, dan sikap atau perwatakan Melayu itu terpamer asas-asas yang membenih nilai kepimpinan murni. Jika digarap lagi, demikianlah orang Melayu, meletakkan martabat tinggi kemuliaan sikap pemimpin dan kepimpinan dalam masyarakat, kata Najib. Presiden Umno itu berkata keperibadian bangsa Melayu itulah yang menyebabkan Melayu diterima sebagai pemimpin dalam sebuah masyarakat majmuk dan sikap itu juga yang menjadi bekal sebagai bangsa yang diamanah menggalas kepimpinan negara.

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