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(19:01:19) Willie: keepmakingtea enters the channel. (19:31:34) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (19:31:45) Eileen: JD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(19:31:46) keepmakingtea: EILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! (19:31:57) Eileen: *tackle hugs him* (19:32:02) Eileen: how have you been? (19:32:13) keepmakingtea: Good. (19:32:38) keepmakingtea: I mentioned to the manager who writes the schedule that I always work Sunday now, and she gave me the day off this week. (19:32:53) keepmakingtea: Didn't expect it, but hey. (19:33:30) Eileen: Awesome!!! (19:34:09) keepmakingtea: So, tonight is the night,. (19:34:21) Eileen: the final night (19:34:30) Eileen: I'm worried and excited at the same time (19:34:47) keepmakingtea: I know... (19:35:11) keepmakingtea: I guess you guys have noticed that it seems we'll be saying goodbye to Annie? (19:36:04) Eileen: yes (19:36:12) Eileen: :( (19:36:20) Eileen: tumblr is saying so (19:36:25) Eileen: would be so sad (19:36:30) keepmakingtea: I know. (19:36:40) keepmakingtea: And if she does go, I don't want Alex to replace her. (19:36:48) Eileen: i read at the beginning of the series that it could be the last series for Lenora (19:38:00) keepmakingtea: (19:38:15) Eileen: I wouldn't mind Alex replacing her I just hope she doesn't start something with Hal (19:38:16) Eileen: lol (19:38:33) keepmakingtea: I haven't found anything to like about Alex. (19:39:40) Eileen: she is a bit forward (19:39:56) Eileen: but i like her and Hal's bickering (19:40:55) keepmakingtea: Hal is awesome. (19:47:20) Eileen: yeah I think so too (19:47:25) Eileen: (19:47:59) Eileen: I adore him (19:48:16) keepmakingtea: They've only replaced Mitchell as far as bringing in a new vampire goes. (19:48:43) keepmakingtea: Hal is SO different from Mitchell, it doesn't feel wrong. (19:51:28) Eileen: yeah, they are like two sides of the same coin. (19:52:18) Eileen: totally different but vampires (19:52:36) Eileen: they did a great job to find Damien and get Michael back (19:53:04) keepmakingtea: Totally. And Michael has proved to be a great actor. (19:53:35) Eileen: i agree (19:53:48) Eileen: and Lenora was a great as ever (19:54:47) keepmakingtea: She really stepped up into bringing in the new cast. (19:54:55) Eileen: yeah (19:55:05) Eileen: what did you think of Adam and Yvonne? (19:55:13) Eileen: And Allison? (19:55:39) keepmakingtea: Adam: What happened to everything that happened in Becoming Human? But cool to have him back. (19:55:46) keepmakingtea: Yvonne: Icky. (19:55:52) keepmakingtea: Allison: FUN. (19:56:46) Eileen: Adam: it was cool to have him back but I'm still not a big fan of him (19:56:56) Eileen: Yvonne: Strange lol (19:57:07) Eileen: Allison: cute and very energetic (19:58:33) keepmakingtea: Adam I thought was cool in his first appearance. (20:00:20) keepmakingtea: Did you see Becoming Human last year?

(20:00:52) Eileen: no (20:01:00) Eileen: 2 more hours! (20:01:06) keepmakingtea: Ay! (20:01:15) keepmakingtea: Do you have a way to stream it online? (20:01:35) Eileen: yeah, but im not that interested in Adam (20:01:53) keepmakingtea: I mean the show when it airs. (20:03:00) Eileen: ah yeah I think so (20:03:07) Eileen: at least i hope it works again (20:03:11) Eileen: you? (20:03:25) keepmakingtea: Nope. I normally have to wait for a download link. (20:06:03) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (20:06:09) keepmakingtea: Fang! (20:06:15) keepmakingtea: Um... (20:06:18) Fang: Hi Eileen... and...blimey... JD! (20:06:18) Eileen: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!!! *tackle hugs him too* (20:06:18) keepmakingtea: Hello, Doctor! (20:06:27) Eileen: Let me send you a pm, JD (20:06:33) Eileen: Look who is here tonight!!! (20:06:37) keepmakingtea: Okay. (20:06:42) Fang: is it really him? (20:06:52) keepmakingtea: No, I am robot. (20:06:58) keepmakingtea: Heh. (20:07:02) Fang: damn, it's always ghosts and robots (20:07:03) keepmakingtea: With typos and all. (20:07:53) Fang: I see you turn up and Eileen sends you PMs straight away, she doesn't send me any (20:08:14) keepmakingtea: Eileen, that must be recified. (20:08:20) keepmakingtea: *rectified. (20:08:54) Fang: so are you back for good or just one week off? (20:09:22) Eileen: but but I sent you pms Fang! (20:09:25) Eileen: *pouts* (20:09:29) keepmakingtea: I mentioned to a manager that I always work Sundays now and she gave me this week off because she thought I was complaining. (19:09:45) keepmakingtea: And she felt bad. (19:09:58) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (19:10:06) keepmakingtea: KC!!! (19:10:09) Kinkyclawz: *pokes her head through the door quietly* (19:10:18) keepmakingtea: *pulls KC in* (19:10:21) Kinkyclawz: JD!!! *races in, punce0hugz and snogs* (19:10:31) Fang: and she should, I hope she understands the imporance of the chat, well sort of I hope you continue to get whatever hours you need (19:10:32) Kinkyclawz: *pounce-hugz rather (19:10:38) keepmakingtea: *is hugged and snogged* (19:10:56) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, who felt bad? your boss/ (19:10:57) Kinkyclawz: ? (19:11:12) Fang: well this is uncomftable, how are long are you two going to be doing that? (19:11:34) Eileen: KC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackle hugs her too* PM is sent, JD! (19:11:40) keepmakingtea: Yeah, I mentioned I always work Sundays and she felt bad and gave me this week's Sunday off. (19:11:47) Fang: oh yeah Hi KC (19:11:58) Kinkyclawz: *is tackle-hugged while snog-pounce-hugging* (19:12:12) Fang: JDs return sort of overshadowed your own mini-return (19:12:24) keepmakingtea: Was KC away? (19:12:30) Eileen: Fang do you want to do the same? *winks* (19:12:44) Kinkyclawz: Aww, its nice that she had the decency to feel bad about it. If that makes sense?

Hi Eileen!! Hi fang! Ahem, sorry, i was a bit overexcited. :d (19:12:54) Kinkyclawz: yes, do the samw for Fang. (19:13:00) Eileen: KC I will send you the chatlog now (19:13:11) Kinkyclawz: or the same... Aww bless ya, thanks Eileen! (19:13:16) Kinkyclawz: did I miss a lot? (19:13:39) Fang: *is to scared to tackle hug a kickboxer* (19:13:44) keepmakingtea: Eileen and I were chatting about how Series 4 is almost over. (19:14:08) Eileen: snogging FAng not tackling (19:14:08) Kinkyclawz: Aww, its sad, isn't it? BH time goes so fast. (19:14:12) Fang: then Icame in and ruined it, then your distracted things even further (19:14:18) Eileen: and you have been tackle hugged by me already (19:14:25) keepmakingtea: Oh, no, the more the merrier. (19:14:36) Fang: oh oK *Snogs Eileen* (19:14:38) Eileen: Sent you the chatlog KC (19:14:47) Eileen: *snogs Fang* (19:15:12) Eileen: 1 hour 45 min (19:15:17) Fang: right snogging out the way we can get down to business... er bh business i mean (19:15:18) Kinkyclawz: Yaaay, thanks again eileen. i'll piece it together in a sec or two... the back dorrbell is ringing, BRB! (19:15:22) Eileen: i hope what i sent you works JD (19:15:38) Eileen: yesssssssssssss! (19:15:40) Kinkyclawz: *releases her Twusband, reluctantly* (19:15:49) Eileen: snogging is nice (19:16:03) Eileen: *doesn't let go of Fang* (19:16:29) keepmakingtea: So, does Fang think Hal is cool, too? (19:16:34) Kinkyclawz: Oh someone else got it before i could get there. never mind. (19:16:51) Kinkyclawz: Not as much as Eileen does. LMAO (19:17:02) Fang: yeah I think Hal is great, the only flaw is Eileen loves him a little too much (19:17:17) Fang: actually we've spent more time discussing Hal than anything else (19:17:31) Kinkyclawz: Fang, we're a pair of very effective distractions it seems. No shame in that. (19:17:41) keepmakingtea: Hal is great. It would be easy to hate him because they brought him to fill in for Mitchell, but they made him so much more than that. (19:17:48) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, thining about it, you're right, we have. (19:18:22) Eileen: lol (19:18:25) Eileen: I don't mind (19:18:27) Eileen: (19:18:35) Kinkyclawz: He's not trying to be Mitchell. Or George. Or Nina... which, admittedly, would be strange. He's just himself. (19:18:36) Eileen: I fell of the wagon (19:18:38) Fang: yeah I don't really miss George or Mitchell at all (19:18:48) Eileen: i watched BH 4 or 5 times last week. *blushes* (19:18:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, did you hurt yourself when you fell off the wagon? (19:18:55) Fang: I miss Nina a bit though (19:19:09) keepmakingtea: I do miss Nina because we didn't get a proper good-bye. (19:19:11) Fang: was it the suit? (19:19:15) Kinkyclawz: I'm not finding myself missing any of them, as much as I hate to admit it. (19:19:17) Eileen: not really lol (19:19:25) Eileen: *coughs* yes (19:19:39) Kinkyclawz: 4-5 is ok, seven was the excessive one, Eileen. LOL (19:19:43) keepmakingtea: But, hey, we got Damien and Michael now, and they're simply awesome. (19:19:57) Fang: yeah I didn't think I'd get used to it so quickly (19:20:17) Fang: I suppose Mitchells arc was finished and there wasn't that much left for George (19:20:25) Kinkyclawz: You lost me for a minute there, JD. LOL i was thinking, wait, they're called tom and Hal... then I realised.

(19:20:41) Kinkyclawz: There're limits when you get all the good stuff early with characters. (19:20:50) keepmakingtea: And Lenora has been lovely all series. (19:20:53) Eileen: lol (19:21:02) keepmakingtea: I really, really hope they're not going to have her go. (19:21:03) Kinkyclawz: She has. i wonder, though, if this might be her last series? (19:21:14) Eileen: what do you think of the theory that Annie might leave tonight? (19:21:25) Fang: it seems invetable at the moment but maybe they want us to think that (19:21:26) keepmakingtea: It does have some weight. (19:21:31) Eileen: damn I'm in both your heads (19:21:37) Kinkyclawz: I thought i'd heard it said that she was leaving at the end of this series but maybe she changed her mind. she seems to enjoy working with her new boys. :d (19:21:54) Fang: plus she has more to do these days (19:21:56) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, is it painful being in two heads at once? (19:22:06) keepmakingtea: *Imagines Annie in Tully's hat, looking like a pimp.* (19:22:26) Eileen: it is splitting (19:22:33) Fang: it's a shame nobody inherted Tully's hat, maybe Kemp took it home with him (19:22:37) Eileen: lol (19:22:49) Kinkyclawz: She does... though if the baby goes (and there's no proof that they'll kill Eve, just a thought), won't that take away some of the things she's had, dya think? (19:22:58) Kinkyclawz: she's had to do, rather, not the things she had. (19:23:05) Kinkyclawz: I'd have it! (19:23:07) Kinkyclawz: gladly. (19:23:23) Kinkyclawz: along with tully, btu that's a whole other tale... LOL *snuggles against JD* (19:23:42) Eileen: teehee (19:23:51) Fang: did you see the blog stuff this week? (19:23:57) Fang: even Mr Snow thinks she's a legend (19:24:05) Eileen: some of it (19:24:38) Fang: the diary was awesome too, I want that person to write a future war book (assuming the war is averted/delayed) (19:25:00) Eileen: oh do you have a link? (19:25:34) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (19:25:36) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, not seen any blog stuff. (and apologies for my absence last week, i really didn't feel well... but woke up in time to watch the episode so yay!) (19:25:45) Aubergine: Hello Chatmates (19:25:45) Kinkyclawz: GENIE! Hiya1 How goes it? (19:26:03) Eileen: GEnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *tackle hugs her too* (19:26:08) Aubergine: Wow crowded room today (19:26:12) keepmakingtea: Yep. (19:26:15) Kinkyclawz: who is Mr Snow, Fang? *feels a bit thick* (19:26:16) Fang: doa ctrl+f on "Nikki wrote:" for the transcipt human/2012/03/s4_files_diary_of_a_dead_man.html (19:26:19) Fang: Genie! (19:26:19) Aubergine: welcome back JD (19:26:21) Eileen: KC (19:26:23) Kinkyclawz: yay, the gang's back together! (19:26:29) Kinkyclawz: es? (19:26:32) Kinkyclawz: Yes also? (19:26:41) keepmakingtea: We're all together agaiN! (19:26:46) Fang: well me and Eileen and KC and JD are sticking very close to each other so we don't take up much room (19:26:48) keepmakingtea: We're all together again! (19:26:48) Aubergine: How do Fang (19:27:08) keepmakingtea: Give three hurrahs for Kinkyclawz! (19:27:17) Kinkyclawz: 8keeps on snuggling against JD* Ohh wait, is Mr Snow the vampire? (19:27:19) keepmakingtea: And everyone's her friend! (19:27:22) Eileen: ctrl+f on what?

(19:27:24) keepmakingtea: Yep. (19:27:34) keepmakingtea: Mr. Snow is played by Mark Gatiss. (19:27:54) keepmakingtea: Who plays Mycroft on Sherlock and writes Doctor Who. (19:27:57) Eileen: Mr Snow is the leader of the Old Ones (19:28:03) Eileen: Mark GAtiss (19:28:06) Fang: Nikki wrote (19:28:29) Fang: she transcribed it in the comments so that will take you straight to her comments (19:28:37) Kinkyclawz: That's the fella I meant! :d (19:29:05) Eileen: i still dont get it (19:29:26) Fang: additional scence PD0JCmtAkfo& (19:29:27) Eileen: lol (19:29:43) Fang: I'll Pm it to you, anybdoy else? (19:29:55) Eileen: isnt Milo the same as in the forst epi? (19:29:59) Eileen: first also (19:30:05) Eileen: thanks Fang (19:30:37) keepmakingtea: I wish they'd put the bonus scenes on DVD. (19:30:48) Eileen: ah i found it thanks (19:30:56) Aubergine: I thought he looked like the guy who killed Future Eve (19:31:02) Eileen: i hope they put them on there too (19:31:03) Fang: he's dressed just like him but I'm not sure about the ages (19:31:06) keepmakingtea: Me too. (19:31:09) Eileen: yeah i thought so too (19:31:15) Eileen: he was a werewolf too (19:31:35) Kinkyclawz: Milo? not sure if he is or not. its possible (19:31:36) Eileen: or maybe the father of him? (19:31:37) Fang: yeah it's such a waste of all that content, the earlier stuff from S1 has been taken down (19:32:10) keepmakingtea: DVD shouldn't be just giving you the episodes, but also a representation of the experience of seeing the episodes as they aired. (19:32:12) keepmakingtea: WHAT? (19:32:16) keepmakingtea: A CRIME! (19:32:33) Eileen: aww (19:32:43) Aubergine: waste of money too not getting a full return on what's already shot (19:32:53) Fang: yeah 22 million on the blood voice but they can't keep a blog entry online (19:33:14) Eileen: can i tell you what i did? (19:33:18) Fang: that wsa the meant to be bloody... just "The voice" (19:33:19) keepmakingtea: Yes. (19:33:26) Aubergine: what did you do? (19:33:33) Fang: does it involve crime? (19:33:38) keepmakingtea: What did you do, Eileen? (19:33:39) Eileen: im feeling very stalkerish (19:33:39) Eileen: lol (19:33:41) Fang: or stalking? (19:33:48) Fang: how did I guess? (19:33:49) Eileen: *blushes* (19:33:52) Aubergine: cyber stalking (19:34:01) Eileen: I bought a ticket for Travelling Light for May to see Damien (19:34:06) keepmakingtea: You been cyber stalking Damien Molony? (19:34:09) keepmakingtea: Oh. (19:34:11) keepmakingtea: Have fun! (19:34:12) Fang: is that the same time as that big con? (19:34:18) Eileen: uh that too (19:34:28) Eileen: its 1 week before the first con (19:34:29) Fang: ah it's OK he said he likes people hanging around outside for him... (19:34:32) Aubergine: Oh that should be fun

(19:34:53) Eileen: i would not have the courage to talk to him though (19:34:56) Fang: just don't tackle hug him (19:35:11) Eileen: I will try not to Fang (19:35:24) Kinkyclawz: i bet the content will be around, save as jpegs and in video form on Yt somewhere, right? Right? *hopes all the S1 content isn't lost forever* (19:35:28) Aubergine: you have until May to work up the courage (19:35:49) Kinkyclawz: Awesome Eileen! A few freinds of mine ahve eebn to see it and they say he's brilliant in it. (19:35:50) Fang: I hope so KC (19:36:10) Aubergine: I'm sure as long as you behave normally he will appreciate whatever you say (19:36:13) Fang: he's really good seeing as he hasn'tbeen acting that long (19:36:17) Eileen: i hope it will be (19:36:18) Eileen: (19:36:21) keepmakingtea: I downloaded all the videos and have them on discs somewhere. (19:36:25) Eileen: i feel a bit strange going there alone (19:36:31) Eileen: awesome (19:36:38) Eileen: i have thought about dling all the vids (19:37:05) Kinkyclawz: You'll be a seasoned Stage Door Dolly like me, ie a lady who haunts the stage door, before you know it. (19:37:21) Eileen: lol i wont dare i know myself (19:37:22) Kinkyclawz: JD, you legend! (19:37:25) keepmakingtea: Sadly, there was some quality loss when I converted them to Xvid so I could play them on my DVD player. (19:37:45) Fang: I don't suppose you're going the evening of the 19th May? (19:37:50) Kinkyclawz: But if htey still exist at all, its a bonus. :d (19:38:05) Fang: so your the Regus of bh fans then JD? (19:38:10) Fang: the history keeper (19:38:21) Kinkyclawz: YES! Please be the Regus. :d (19:38:33) Fang: just don't keep records on skin (19:38:47) Kinkyclawz: Without the whole skin thing...hey! (19:38:54) keepmakingtea: Maybe... (19:38:57) Kinkyclawz: *crawls into Fang's head* (19:39:03) keepmakingtea: Just I don't look like a Harry Potter character. (19:39:14) Aubergine: I don't think video would work on skin (19:39:30) Fang: sure it would, you just use a projector (19:39:43) keepmakingtea: lol, Fang! (19:39:47) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, it'd be like one of those flick-the-page tales. (19:39:51) Aubergine: the nipples would distort the images (19:39:53) Kinkyclawz: lmao (19:40:03) Eileen: i will go May 5 Fang (19:40:05) Fang: distort? or make them 3d? (19:40:08) Kinkyclawz: hehe, and navels (19:40:17) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (19:40:24) Kinkyclawz: 5th May. (19:40:35) Eileen: (19:40:42) keepmakingtea: Cinco de Mayo. (19:40:55) Eileen: Fnfter May (19:40:58) Eileen: 5. Mai (19:41:04) Fang: May 5th (19:41:10) Eileen: lol (19:41:11) Kinkyclawz: I'd come to be with you-moral support at the stage door, but I think i'll still be too poror to afford the trip. (19:41:15) Eileen: what are we doing? (19:41:16) Fang: hmm swapping them around isn't as impressive (19:41:31) Kinkyclawz: LOL (19:41:38) Eileen: i will only pay 50 euro for two flights so i couldnt say no

(19:41:39) Kinkyclawz: No idea eileen. (19:41:46) Kinkyclawz: That;'s very good! (19:41:54) Eileen: ryanair (19:42:00) Fang: did you like my new avatar Eileen (19:42:10) Eileen: i think i got the last 12 GBP card for that evening (19:42:19) Eileen: oh let me check ,FAng (19:42:22) Eileen: did you like mine? (19:42:23) Eileen: lol (19:42:23) Fang: 12! bargain! (19:42:26) Fang: no! (19:42:47) Aubergine: you guys are such Hal Pals (19:42:58) keepmakingtea: Show No Mercy! (19:43:16) Eileen: oh I loooooooooove your new ava (19:43:17) Eileen: (19:43:24) Eileen: LOL why not? (19:43:31) Eileen: i loved that pic with Hal and eve (19:43:46) Eileen: we are!!! (19:44:07) keepmakingtea: My current Facebook profile pic: (19:44:18) Eileen: I wanted to buy the t-shirt but then i thought it would be a bit... (19:44:39) Fang: well that pic has clearly gone down well (19:44:53) Fang: I hope we get a decent copy of the human propaganda too (19:45:00) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* Clearly (19:45:27) Kinkyclawz: would there be human propaganda? (19:45:28) Fang: I wnante to sell the t-shirt but I thought that would be a bit illegal (19:45:30) Eileen: lol (19:45:37) Aubergine: Do you think Hal altered that future by his actions at the night club (19:45:39) Kinkyclawz: Just a tiny bit, yeah (19:45:49) Eileen: might be (19:46:14) keepmakingtea: The future was altered just by Hal going to Honolulu Heights. (19:46:20) Kinkyclawz: Well, he's stopped the human-killing event that turns Tom into the humourless and haunted man he became so other thing might have changed too. (19:46:34) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, Jd. That was not how it was meant to happen. (19:46:58) Fang: yeah we caught a glimpse of the human posters, can't remember if we see them in e1 or if they were only in the background in the backstage videos of the 1st ep (19:47:21) Eileen: i think they were in epi 1 (19:47:32) Kinkyclawz: So perhaps that oen simple act, Eve dying and changing the history surrounding the start of the war is enough to avert everything (our packmate Cieria came up with this theory on Twitter the other night... did you see it JD>) (19:47:36) keepmakingtea: Series 1 and 2 YouTube stuff is still online. (19:47:53) Kinkyclawz: Part of the human fight back then. i like it. (19:47:57) keepmakingtea: Yeah, I saw it. (19:48:00) Fang: but if it did change things then future Even wouldn't exist and couldn't come back to chang things (19:48:19) Kinkyclawz: but not the still pics etc? I'm sure I have them saved soemwhere, JD. (19:48:22) Eileen: its a bit paradox (19:49:00) Kinkyclawz: but that's the head-mashing thing about time travel, she's set humankind/vampirekind/werewolfkind off on a parallel timeline. (19:49:05) Kinkyclawz: a paradox, exactly. (19:49:17) keepmakingtea: You should look up the being human blog at the wayback machine. (19:49:20) Kinkyclawz: I was avoiding the word, I have negative feelings toward it. >< (19:49:21) keepmakingtea: (19:49:23) Fang: yeah so if there are multiple timelines it's all a but pointless anyway (19:49:46) Fang: hopefully it'll all make sense by the end (19:49:47) Kinkyclawz: not if we're following this single timeline. (19:49:53) Kinkyclawz: it will i'm sure.

(19:50:02) Aubergine: well I don't think Future Eve understood her role. She was meant to do something not cower in anonymity (19:50:05) Eileen: i hope so (19:50:37) Fang: unlike misfits, I still don't realyl get that one (19:50:53) Eileen: yeah i think they protected her too much (19:51:00) Eileen: for her to do something (19:51:09) Eileen: maybe they didnt let her take any risks (19:51:36) Kinkyclawz: no? (19:51:47) Aubergine: doesn't sound like she did anything except hide her identity (19:52:04) Kinkyclawz: I guess she'd have to learn by making mistakes and she was too well guarded to be allowed to make them (19:52:27) Eileen: yeah (19:52:29) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, didn't read your reply efore putting mine... sorry Eileen. (19:52:39) Aubergine: you can't have a sheltered savior (19:52:49) Kinkyclawz: You still don;t get Misfits, Fang? (19:53:09) Fang: I'm guessing they had to keep her safe until she was old enough but by then it was all too late (19:53:13) Kinkyclawz: the saviour has to be sacrificed... isn't that in the rules of being a saviour of the world? (19:53:51) Fang: yeah future Simon's timeline... nevermind (19:54:07) Kinkyclawz: Future Eve said as much, didn't she? That Annie protecting her was preventing her being the saviour. i'll explain it later, by PM, Fang. (19:54:09) Aubergine: I've never heard of a savior who didn't die for the cause (19:54:31) Kinkyclawz: I wonder how a little, innocent child dying will kill off vampires? (19:54:36) Kinkyclawz: Oh... unless... (19:55:02) Eileen: i have thought about it too (19:55:10) Eileen: but i forgot my theory already lol (19:55:16) Kinkyclawz: they feed form her, killing her but with her werewolf/human blood it becomes an airborne pandemic targetting vampires. mwahahahaaaaaa (19:55:27) Kinkyclawz: Aww, Hal Gal Pal distractions amde you forget? (19:55:40) Fang: no more strange blood related additions please! (19:55:57) Aubergine: I was thinking her blood might be the key too, KC. (19:56:13) Eileen: hmmmmmmmmm (19:56:17) Eileen: sounds good (19:56:34) Kinkyclawz: Awww, but she was born of two werewolves but doesn't transform, Fang. That makes her blood unique (19:56:43) Fang: yeah there has to be areason for the blood addition (19:57:25) Fang: I'm guessing once of the vamps might get buried alive in Tom's swimming pool too (19:57:28) Kinkyclawz: Especially since its not part of the earlier mythology. (19:57:31) Fang: possibly Mr SNow (19:57:33) Eileen: 1 hour 3 min (19:57:43) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, what is goign on with that, its not been mentioned for a couple of episode.s (19:57:47) Fang: there has to be some reason for that damn pool (19:57:47) Kinkyclawz: and counting. (19:57:56) Fang: and the green box (19:58:05) Eileen: lol he is not building a swimming pool (19:58:20) keepmakingtea: It seems the "swimming pool" chemicals are actually to make a bomb. (19:58:21) Aubergine: are you sure Eileen? (19:58:23) Eileen: but we know that (19:58:25) Kinkyclawz: *listens* Ah, out new neighbours are runnign about a house with no carpets. It echoes. (19:58:26) Eileen: yeah (19:58:35) Eileen: exactly JD (19:58:47) Fang: yeah that's we theorised

(19:58:55) Eileen: i saw alot of teasers and they said that a running gag will come up again and play an important role (19:58:56) Eileen: (19:59:16) Fang: it's not hte best method for killing old ones though as they can come back (19:59:23) Eileen: so either its Hal drinking Kia-ora or Tom's swimming pool (19:59:31) Kinkyclawz: swiming pool. the joke's on us, it really IS a swimming pool tom wants to get girlfriends by telling them he has a pool. There, problem solved. (19:59:40) Eileen: lol what is more probable? (19:59:49) Kinkyclawz: Kia-ora? (19:59:52) Fang: Kia-ora's secret ingredient is w.wolf blood? (19:59:53) Eileen: lol (19:59:58) Kinkyclawz: that may be more probable. (20:00:01) Eileen: rofl (20:00:06) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:00:07) Kinkyclawz: Surely that'd kill Hal? (20:00:15) Kinkyclawz: Love the notion though. (20:00:24) Eileen: well the teasers also say that Hal will be doing something disgusting (20:00:27) Fang: er... his was dilluted! yeah that makes sense (20:00:31) Aubergine: wait they can drink werewolf blood, but it can't touch their skin? (20:00:34) Eileen: well the promo showed a bit of that i think (20:00:35) Kinkyclawz: I wonder what it is about kia-Ora. he will? (20:00:57) Kinkyclawz: I wouldn't think they could drink it. the head copper found that out. LOL (20:00:59) Eileen: i want to know what happens when he drinks kia-ora, too (20:01:04) Kinkyclawz: forgot his name. (20:01:04) Fang: nah they can't really Genie, as we saw with whatshisface and George (20:01:15) Eileen: fergus? (20:01:24) Fang: and Hetties back! nobody else seems to care but I do (20:01:24) Kinkyclawz: If we get S5, we need to see Hal on kia-Ora! (20:01:27) Eileen: or Griffin? (20:01:36) Fang: griffin! that's it (20:01:37) Eileen: YES!!! (20:01:40) Kinkyclawz: Hettie's back? Oh dear! nothign but trouble then. (20:01:47) Eileen: btw are you helping trend BH? (20:01:50) Aubergine: think it just makes him loopy (20:01:55) Kinkyclawz: Griffin, yes! Nice on Eileen! Those 7 viewings paid off! (20:02:07) Kinkyclawz: heehee, that would be funny. (20:02:30) Kinkyclawz: Oh.. uh, no. Sorry eileen. (20:02:36) Fang: as I said in the thread I hope the old ones aren't disposed of in one episode after such a long build-up (20:02:45) Eileen: lol (20:02:51) Eileen: #WeWantBeingHumanSeries5 (20:03:00) Aubergine: that was the slowest boat ride ever (20:03:04) Eileen: yeah, me too (20:03:08) Eileen: lol (20:03:11) Aubergine: I think Columbus found America in less time (20:03:22) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Genie (20:03:24) Eileen: rofl (20:03:32) Aubergine: and he got lost in the Carribean (20:03:37) Fang: I think they took a saga world curise, I think they're just about over 50 (20:03:38) Kinkyclawz: #WeWantBeinghumanSeries5 (20:03:48) Kinkyclawz: Only just Fang. (20:04:05) Eileen: lol (20:04:13) Eileen: you have to put that on twitter KC (20:04:16) Aubergine: mostly women and chilren it looked like (20:04:18) Eileen: JK!

(20:04:19) Kinkyclawz: And attacked by the Pirates of the Carribbean, 'cause they were dead themselves. (20:04:25) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh.... (20:04:28) keepmakingtea: Heh. (20:04:29) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:05:08) Eileen: (20:06:50) Fang: any more general thoughts ont he series, charachters, specific episode etc JD? (20:06:57) Fang: as we've missed your input (20:07:12) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, share your insight, my Twusband. (20:07:14) keepmakingtea: As I told Eileen, Yvonne was icky. (20:07:25) Kinkyclawz: I felt sorry for her. (20:07:59) Fang: I liked her too, the jolly hockey sticks (does that phrase translate) attidude was a nice touch (20:08:05) keepmakingtea: I loved seeing Hal and Tom as coworkers. (20:08:27) Aubergine: they are fun together (20:08:51) Fang: poor Toby, he writes big world and time spanning storlines but everbody is more interested in two people working in a cafe (20:08:56) Aubergine: Hal is very tolerate for someone over 500 (20:09:05) Fang: they are a good double-act (20:09:23) keepmakingtea: It's a different look. We went from people in a hospital to working in a cafe. (20:09:28) Fang: I'm guessing he's had enough real trouble to overlook the less important things (20:09:34) keepmakingtea: It's a job more people will relate to. (20:09:50) Eileen: yeah (20:09:50) Kinkyclawz: I adore that hal wants Tom to tell him what to do-finding him cleaning jobs. (20:09:56) Eileen: great comedic timing (20:10:14) Kinkyclawz: agreed, eileen. (20:10:20) Aubergine: they destroyed that cafe. It use to have a lot of customers until they closed early because there was a dog in the oven (20:10:20) keepmakingtea: "Hal! I found these matches and some of them are the wrong way around!" "We'll soon see about that!" (20:10:26) Fang: (20:10:27) Kinkyclawz: (losing capital leters! Argh!) (20:10:36) Fang: (20:10:37) Kinkyclawz: LOL Love the pic! (20:10:40) Kinkyclawz: BRB gang. (20:11:00) Fang: me too (20:11:28) Fang: as I said last week though Tom has been neglecting Hal (20:11:47) Aubergine: Man working at the hospital would have given Hal a lot of menial task (20:12:19) keepmakingtea: Okay, I got a multi-choice hospital. (20:12:25) keepmakingtea: Um.... (20:12:30) keepmakingtea: Lemme rephrase that. (20:12:30) Fang: hmmm on the one hand he would like the cleniness of a hospital, on the other body fluids everywhere wouldn't be ideal (20:12:36) Aubergine: but he doesn't do toilet and probably no bed pan (20:12:45) keepmakingtea: Okay, I got a multi-choice question. (20:12:55) Fang: go! (20:13:04) Aubergine: shoot (20:13:13) keepmakingtea: (Hal would have more problems controlling his bloodlust.) (20:13:22) keepmakingtea: Which do you prefer if Annie leaves at the end of S4 (which looks likely)? (20:13:29) keepmakingtea: 1. Alex moves in 2. They introduce a new female ghost in Series 5 3. They introduce a new male ghost in Series 5 (change the dynamic of 2 guys and 1 girl)

4. They bring back an old ghost character 5. They have no new ghost, at least not as a roommate, for awhile at least. (20:14:03) Aubergine: #1 Alex moves in (20:14:23) Aubergine: Hal seemed to relate better with her once she was dead. (20:14:25) keepmakingtea: I'd like to see 5. (20:14:47) Aubergine: I guess there was no more bloodlust for him so he could just be natural with her (20:15:23) keepmakingtea: Well, yeah. Once he didn't have to hide "I AM A VAMPIRE AND I WANT TO DRINK YOUR BLOOD BUT I CAN'T", it got easy. (20:16:09) Eileen: i think 1 is most probable (20:17:25) Aubergine: Or we could add another type to the house (20:18:40) Aubergine: maybe Future Eve stays (20:18:45) Fang: probably 1, I'm not 100% sure on her but she has a lot of potential (20:19:04) keepmakingtea: *Where did KC go?* (20:19:10) Fang: ideally I'd have prefered a female vamp to replace Mitchell and a new male ghost to mix things up but it's too late for that and then we wouldn't have got Hal (20:19:49) Kinkyclawz: Back. Sorry. It took longer than I thought. (20:19:55) Aubergine: the female vamps haven't been as interesting as the male ones (20:20:13) Aubergine: or attractive imho (20:21:24) Kinkyclawz: #1 for me too. i like Alex. (and i'm not trusting the subtitles again, they lied the forst week she was in it!) (20:21:42) Fang: I loved Daisy, Lauren was OK in her role but was too bratty, Nancy could have worked well (20:21:43) Eileen: nooooooooooooooooooo (20:21:49) Eileen: no female vamprie!!! (20:21:55) Aubergine: lying subtitles, Lol (20:21:59) Eileen: wb KC (20:22:01) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:22:03) Eileen: where have you been? (20:22:30) Fang: interesting that Cutler and Hal echoed Mitchell and Lauren in that they both abandonded the vampire they made when they should have stuck around (20:22:33) Eileen: what did they say, KC? (20:22:42) keepmakingtea: What is up with the subtitles? (20:22:47) Kinkyclawz: Thanks eileen. Um, not somewhere you'd like to know. believe me. lets say i've changed my diet a bit and am paying for it. (20:23:02) Eileen: rofl (20:23:17) Kinkyclawz: the subtitles lie, they all came up saying her name was Aled. (I always watch with subtitles on so it doesn't ahve to be too loud) (20:23:26) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, sorry too much info Eileen? (20:23:39) keepmakingtea: Definitely a mistake. (20:23:50) Aubergine: maybe it was the Scottish accent that threw them (20:23:58) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, yeah. I'd not noticed that parallel beofre Fang. (20:23:59) Fang: Eileen is inspiring everybody with her weight loss/generla healthiness regime (20:24:04) Kinkyclawz: hehe, perhaps? (20:24:36) Kinkyclawz: Feel foolish, I knew Aled was a lad's name but figured they were just making things a bit different. >< (20:24:48) Kinkyclawz: She is! (20:25:06) Kinkyclawz: didn't tell about the side effects though. (20:25:10) keepmakingtea: Alex reminded me of Andrea Riseborough's Annie. (20:25:11) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:25:31) Kinkyclawz: ooh, yeah!! Come to think of it, she does have that ... something about her. (20:25:35) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:25:52) Aubergine: no she was more entertaining than that first Annie. I can't even picture her (20:26:00) Fang: true, i'm doing way more excersice now and can do the basics pretty well but I

tried adding leg raises and it killed! a vid to show what they are v=JB2oyawG9KI (20:26:19) Eileen: Tom read Aled (20:26:27) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, ouch, but worth it, right? (20:26:31) Fang: yeah I'd say she was miles better too, much more.... assertive... yeah that'st the word (20:27:19) Eileen: yay! I inspired someone? (20:27:28) Eileen: My mom wants to lose weight now, too (20:27:29) Eileen: rofl (20:27:44) Fang: hmmm. I suppose I can lift much more, do way more sets etc but the results aren't that visible (gain rather than loss), I suppose general health benefits are worth it though (20:28:03) Fang: and the begings of asix pack are there but have been for months (20:28:04) Aubergine: how many calories do you burn rofl, Eileen? (20:28:06) Eileen: it takes some time Fang (20:28:13) Kinkyclawz: the gain is fat turning to muscle, perhaps? (20:28:23) Eileen: not sure i think 600 with my one hour (20:28:30) Kinkyclawz: (20:28:35) Eileen: yeah at first you will gain weight but that is muscle (20:28:37) Aubergine: lol (20:28:57) Eileen: not doing sport atm because i still have a bit of the cold and my foot didnt cooperate (20:29:03) Kinkyclawz: I liked Andrea's Annie, but adore Lenora's Annie. (20:29:04) Eileen: lol no those two are not related (20:29:05) Eileen: (20:29:13) Kinkyclawz: not still numb is it Eileen? (20:29:16) Fang: I did like original Annie's Harry Potter line (20:29:24) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, that was funny. (20:29:44) Eileen: only a bit now but its really gotten better since i take the fizzy tablets with magnesium (20:29:59) Eileen: oh original annie that was so long ago (20:30:12) keepmakingtea: Half hour! (20:30:21) Fang: ah! that's not long! (20:30:22) Kinkyclawz: Just be careful its not something that can make it worse suesse, ok. We want you to be safe and sound. *hugz* (20:30:22) Eileen: but want to continue with sport on monday (20:30:22) keepmakingtea: "Does no one choose Slytherin!" (20:30:28) Kinkyclawz: 30 litttle minutes (20:30:28) Eileen: ah!!!! (20:30:42) Eileen: im worried and excited at the same time (20:30:46) Kinkyclawz: *eats the extra T. Wonders how many calories that is* (20:30:53) keepmakingtea: "I always fancied Hufflepuff. I thought that's where they make things with safety scissors and glitter." (20:30:59) Eileen: lol (20:31:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, don't worry, Hal will be alright surely? (20:31:06) Eileen: one T 2 calories (20:31:11) Eileen: i hoooooooope (20:31:15) Eileen: *shivers* (20:31:15) Kinkyclawz: LMAO A perfect description of Hufflepuff. (20:31:16) keepmakingtea: But no, Hufflepuff is where the sex happens. (20:31:20) Fang: yeah he's been doing lots of press-ups (20:31:29) Kinkyclawz: On, not many calories then, that's ok. (20:31:34) Fang: yeah the hufflepuff line was brilliant (20:31:34) Kinkyclawz: Really? (20:32:01) Kinkyclawz: Hufflepuff-ers get Sex? How? *realises she sounds soooo naive right about now* (20:32:26) keepmakingtea: Yes, Hufflepuffs are the bedroom masters of the Wizarding World.

(20:32:50) Fang: yeah I can't say I noticed that, maybe Slytherin were so angry as they had way more boys than girls (20:33:23) keepmakingtea: Only Slytherin that got lotsa sex was Snape. (20:33:41) Kinkyclawz: They probably were. But crikey, the girls they got were psychopaths! (20:33:55) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:34:00) Kinkyclawz: Snape had sex?! *faints* (20:34:11) Eileen: lol (20:34:21) Fang: are you confusing fan-fic with reality again JD? (20:34:21) Eileen: according to the fanfic world yeah, KC (20:34:40) keepmakingtea: I'm being tongue in cheek. (20:34:42) Kinkyclawz: *wakes up* Oh, phew. thought i'd missed something. (20:35:00) keepmakingtea: Snape took Neville Longbottom to Hogsmeade and they picked up women together. (20:35:04) Aubergine: that's funny fan-fic and reality (20:35:10) Kinkyclawz: *prods jd's cheek gently with a finger to be sure which side the tongue is in* (20:35:23) Aubergine: reality being a book about wizards (20:35:32) Eileen: dont poke too hard, KC (20:35:36) Kinkyclawz: Snape and Longbottom... not somethign you'd expect. (20:35:37) keepmakingtea: Heh. (20:35:43) Kinkyclawz: no no only gently. (20:35:53) Kinkyclawz: Like a kitten's first attack. (20:36:18) Eileen: teehee (20:37:12) Eileen: *takes kitten in arm and ends up with a broken nose* Ow!!! (20:37:16) Kinkyclawz: ooh, we've gone all quiet. Helloo? (20:37:22) Kinkyclawz: AWW! Eileen! (20:37:26) Kinkyclawz: that's a ninja kitten! (20:37:32) keepmakingtea: We're watching the clock with bated breath. (20:37:33) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, shoulda warned you. (20:37:35) Eileen: we're all fighting off kittens (20:37:41) Eileen: no time to type (20:37:55) Eileen: OW!!! *ducks* (20:37:56) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Fighting off ninja kittens. (20:38:03) Kinkyclawz: So they stalk the golden snakes? (20:38:10) Fang: to tense to type (20:38:12) keepmakingtea: (20:38:12) Eileen: yeah (20:38:19) Eileen: but their eyesight seems off (20:38:27) Kinkyclawz: I didn't know they made kitty-PJ's. (20:38:35) Eileen: awwwwwwwww (20:38:36) Kinkyclawz: They've not opened their eyes yet, too young. (20:38:58) Eileen: *ducks again* Hey kitty! Stop it!!! The snake is the other way!!! (20:38:58) Kinkyclawz: AWWWW, such a beautiful cat! (20:39:09) keepmakingtea: (20:39:19) Kinkyclawz: just as you posted that, Blackie started mewing outside my bedroom... uh, curtain. i odn't have a door. (20:39:36) Fang: awww (20:39:43) Eileen: ah! He is plotting against us! (20:39:46) Eileen: see his look? (20:39:58) Kinkyclawz: He's also looking so very comfortable. (20:40:20) Kinkyclawz: (He? Yes? I keep forgetting... very forgetful tonight) (20:40:28) Aubergine: my remote (20:40:31) Eileen: yes because he knows his ninjas are being successful (20:40:37) Aubergine: get your own (20:40:42) keepmakingtea: Series 4 revealed ghosts can smell. (20:40:58) Kinkyclawz: LMAO And get shredded hands if you try to take it. (20:41:21) Kinkyclawz: They smell using the living. much like Annie tasted using George?

(20:41:21) Eileen: he controls them with the remote! Ha!!! You have been found out (20:41:27) Fang: and that future diary confirmed that cats hate vampires (20:41:53) Eileen: damnit, so i shouldnt get one? (20:42:08) keepmakingtea: Yes, because CATS want to take over the world. (20:42:13) Aubergine: what a vampire? (20:42:26) Fang: true JD, they are natural enemies (20:42:41) Kinkyclawz: So no vampire kitties then. (20:42:50) Fang: I want Hal to get an actual dog (as opposed to a Tom) (20:43:06) Kinkyclawz: Its probably not like tom very much. (20:43:22) Kinkyclawz: not sure if it'd like Hal much either. ;/ (20:43:39) keepmakingtea: Nah, Hal should just walk Tom. (20:44:00) Eileen: rofl Fang (20:44:12) Eileen: noooooooooo (20:44:50) Eileen: lol (20:44:57) Eileen: brb pitstop (20:45:11) keepmakingtea: Yes, get ready! (20:45:15) keepmakingtea: 15 minutes! (20:45:52) Kinkyclawz: Hb eileen. (20:45:58) Kinkyclawz: 695_269826246424758_126894987384552_620978_1247611588_n.jpg (20:46:04) Kinkyclawz: Vampire kitten? (20:46:28) Aubergine: that's just wrong (20:46:29) keepmakingtea: No, kitten that will resent its owner. (20:46:35) Eileen: YAY! (20:46:38) Eileen: i want this one!!! (20:46:44) Eileen: back (20:47:01) Kinkyclawz: Possibly but how supercute is he to make you keep trying to make freinds. (20:47:06) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen! (20:47:07) Fang: awwwwwwwww (20:47:13) Fang: right time to go (20:47:20) Fang: time to say goodbye (20:47:27) Fang: so goodbye (20:47:30) Fang: enjoy (20:47:30) Kinkyclawz: Love this effect (not vampire or cat related) : 52_616931_760514388_n.jpg (20:47:34) Fang: etc (20:47:44) Aubergine: enjoy the finale (20:47:48) Kinkyclawz: ohh, same here come to think of it. time to get sorted with a brew before the finale. (20:47:56) Kinkyclawz: adios, muchachos! (20:48:18) Aubergine: adios (20:48:20) Kinkyclawz: happy viewing and take care me lovelies! Group hug? *spread arms wide* (20:48:24) Aubergine: ciao (20:48:35) Aubergine: aloha (20:48:37) keepmakingtea: We leaving? (20:48:45) keepmakingtea: Do we regroup after the show? (20:48:50) Aubergine: it's that time (20:48:53) keepmakingtea: (Going to try to stream it.) (20:49:03) Kinkyclawz: Fang and I are, off to watch the show. I wont be able to this week, i'm afriad, work tomorrow. (20:49:14) Kinkyclawz: Well, half day anyway. (20:49:17) Eileen: (i hope it works JD! ) (20:49:25) keepmakingtea: I won't know my next schedule until Wesdnesday. (20:49:27) Kinkyclawz: l(Hope it works too! Live streaming!) (20:49:37) Eileen: Good night my lovelies!!!

(20:49:41) Eileen: and KC (20:49:44) Kinkyclawz: *fingers crossed you get sundays off for a while* (20:49:50) Aubergine: night night (20:49:52) keepmakingtea: Well, do we all go to watch the show, then? (20:49:55) Eileen: you have to teach me into the right ways to talk to Damien (20:49:55) Eileen: lol (20:50:00) Eileen: yes!!! (20:50:06) Kinkyclawz: g;night my Twisters, my Twrother and my Twusband! MWAH! (20:50:08) Fang: goodnight, hope you get some more Sundays off in the near future JD (20:50:08) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (20:50:16) keepmakingtea: Peace, guys! (20:50:19) Aubergine: byeeeeeee (20:50:20) Fang: *tardis noise* (20:50:21) keepmakingtea: Enjoy the show! (20:50:25) Eileen: hope to see you here next week, JD!!! (20:50:29) Eileen: (20:50:33) keepmakingtea: We'll see! (20:50:41) Kinkyclawz: *cuddles Jd, Genie, Eileena nd Fang* Take care! (20:50:41) Aubergine: yeah don't be such a stranger JD (20:51:02) Kinkyclawz: Enjoy the finale too everyone! (20:51:06) keepmakingtea: *Goes to start the stream. Lets go of KC.* (20:51:10) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat. (20:51:25) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (20:51:38) Eileen: byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye (20:51:48) Kinkyclawz: *loses her grip* *bottom lip quivers*

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