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A University of Alabama football player was visiting a Yankee relative in Boston over the holidays.

He went to a large party and met a pretty co-ed. He was attempting to start up a conversation with the line, "Where does y'all go to school?" The coed, of course, was not overly impressed with his grammar or southern drawl, but did answer his question. "Yale," she replied. The UA student took a big, deep breath and shouted, "WHERE DOES Y'ALL GO TO SCHOOL!? Our six-year-old daughter, Terra, has a need to ask questions...lots of questions. Finally, one day, my wife had it. "Have you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?" my wife asked. "No," replied Terra. "Well, there was a cat, and he was very inquisitive. And one day, he looked into a big hole, fell in, and died!" Wide-eyed, Terra whispered: "What was in the hole?" A job applicant was asked, "What would you consider to be your main strengths and weaknesses?" "Well," he began, "my main weakness would definitely be my issues with reality-sometimes I have a little trouble telling what's real from what's not." "Okay," said the interviewer. "And what are your strengths?" "I'm Batman."

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