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Nicole Mills The objectives in week four of business communications was to develop persuasive communication using effective language

and develop valid arguments. After completing the responses to the weekly discussion questions, I found that I was comfortable approaching a variety of personality types and authority levels in the workplace. I am especially comfortable with discussing ideas, concerns, and solutions with open-minded people. After answering the second discussion question for the week, I discovered how difficult it was for me to choose between publishing sensitive material and advancing my career as a journalist by opting to publish potentially harmful information. After careful consideration I came to a happy medium solution by publishing as much non-sensitive confirmed material as possible. Publishing potentially life-threatening information is counterproductive and my popularity as a journalist might be short lived if I were to put others in harms way. Both objectives taught in week four directly apply to most all work environments. When approaching a manager or supervisor, it is important that I explain my theory in an effective way; otherwise my idea or solution may not be considered. However, if I have all the facts and solutions laid out in a clear precise manner, the information will be more accepted by my superiors. This week also taught me the value of the information I am presented. In DQ2, I was forced to decide between my personal career and the safety of others. This is an important lesson when working with others in any industry.

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