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6 ways to form Past Tense: 1) ADD d - Baked, Changed, Pasted 2) ADD ed - Washed, Cooked, Walked 3) CHANGE y TO ied - Carry=

Carried,Worry= Worried 4) DOUBLE THE LAST WORD AND ADD ed - Clap=Clapped, Jog=Jogged 5) NO CHANGE - Read=Read, Cut=Cut,Hit=Hit

6) CHANGE SPELLING - Draw=Drew, Eat=Ate, Drink=Drank, - Run=Ran

Last month,pupils from S.R.K Bukit Nuri organised-organise a charity concert. They wanted-want to help several special athletes who neededneed funds to participate in the World Special Olympics. They sold-sell tickets to the concert. On the day of the concert, the school choir sang-sing several songs. Then, the Year 4 and Year 5 pupils performed-perform traditional dances accompanied-accompany by musicians. After that, there was-is an intermission. The audience went-go to the school canteen. They bought-buy all the snacks and drinks sold-sell by the prefects. After that, the audience

watched-watch the last performance. It was-is an entertaining play by several Year 6 pupils. The following Monday, the Headmaster presented-present the money to the Chairman of Special Olympics Malaysia during our school assembly.

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