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India with its wide biological diversity and varied climatic conditions has a unique environment that sustains a rich variety of plant and animal life.However, countrys economic development based on intensive use of natural resources and polluting industrial technology, has been causing extensive degeneration of our environmental assets over the years. Activities such as extraction, processing, manufacture, transport, communication and disposal change the stock of natural resources and cause harm to our environment.

Economic Development And Environmental Problems

Environmental problems have grown substantially over the past half a century due to the process of economic development. The production technologies and production patterns under the development plans directly led to Atmospheric pollution(air and water), continued poverty,etc.

Major Environmental Concerns

Land And Soil Degradation

Land is the most important productive asset. The whole superstructure of agriculture and agro-based activities is found on land. Out of the total geographical area of 329million hectares of land, about 175 million hectares (or about 53% of total area) are considered to be degraded. Erosion by water and wind is the most significant source of soil degradation.


Indias forests are among countrys most valuable natural assets. The forests contribute to economic development by providing income and means of living to forest dwellers, raw materials etc. India has a very diverse forest vegetation consisting of evergreen forests in North-East, Western coast and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. For the country as a whole the forest area is about 63 million hectares which is barely 19% of geographical area of the country.

Water Pollution

Water quality in India, both in rural and urban areas, is not of very safe standard. Safe drinking water is a luxury in most of the villages while in many urban centres potable water may not be free from many impurities. Major sources of water pollution are: i. Discharge of domestic sewage ii. Industrial effluents which contain pollutant like chemicals and heavy metals.

Causes of Environmental Degradation

Rapidly growing population has led to land, water and fuelwood shortages in rural areas and to urban health crisis of stemming from lack of situation and clean water. In many of the poorest regions in the globe it is clear that increasing population density has contributed to severe degradation of the very resources.

Urbanisation Lost productivity of ill and diseased workers, contamination of existing water resources and destruction of infrastructure, in addition to fuel expenses incurred by peoples having to boil unsafe water, are just a few of the costs associated with poor urban conditions.
Transport Development Development of transport system based on intensive use of petroleum products has immensely increased air pollution. Increased road traffic in the cities and the sound of running auto engines , horns etc have resulted in noise pollution.

Measures For Environmental Protection

Proper Resource Pricing

Natural resources must be properly priced. Often the government gives huge subsidies on resource like irrigation water, electricity etc. But the reduced resource prices due to subsidies often leads to wasteful, unsustainable and over use of resources by those richer or affluent people.

Peoples Participation- Green Movement

Programmes to improve environmental conditions are likely to be more effective when they work in tandem with Community network. The experience of development agencies has demonstrated that grassroot efforts can be more cost effective.

Reduction In Pollution Level

To achieve goal of reduction in pollution levels to safe limits, emission and effluent standards for air, water and noise have been fixed. Polluting industries have been moved out from mega cities and pollution control equipments have been installed in those who are eligible for operating in the city limits.

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