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The distal continuation of the adductor canal

The popliteal fossa. (a) Superficial dissection. (b) (b) Deep dissection.

Superolaterally - Biceps tendon; Superomedially - Semimembranosus m. reinforced by Semitendinosus m.; Inferomedially and Inferolaterally - the medial and lateral heads of Gastrocnemius m.; Roof : Fascia Lata, pierced by the Small Saphenous v. as it enters the Popliteal v. & Posterior Femoral Cutaneous n.

From above down: Popliteal surface of the femur; Capsule of the knee joint; Oblique popliteal ligament; Popliteus muscle covering the upper posterior surface of the tibia.


common peroneal nerve passes out of the fossa along the medial border of the biceps tendon; 2.The tibial nerve is first lateral to the popliteal vessels and then crosses superficially to these vessels to lie on their medial side. 3.The popliteal vein lies immediately superficial to the artery; 4.The popliteal artery itself lies deepest of all in the fossa. 5.Fat 6.Popliteal lymph nodes.

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