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Arjay S.

Sablawon No1 Reaction paper PAGASA In Pagasa they show us video related on whats happening on our weather it was cool because I learn different kind of clouds,weather and disaster. And they shows us a music video related on the weather it was fun because we sing along.I though that they let us to see there equipment and tell us how to use it,but it was cool because its my first time and now I kwon where Pagasa get the name of the typhoons it is already arenge a to z. PDEA First I feel high and then I felt higher when I enter the PDEA just joking .for me I was amaze because it was my first time to see equipment of how to make drugs and the steps.the spoke person kind a strict but its ok because it is for our own safety.i was amaze on the different kind of drugs.after we on PDEA we eat jollybee and I felt happy because its jollybee. Camp Crame In Camp Crame we have learn many thing about our history first they shows us a video of our great Pilipino soldier and heros of our country and then we go to the equipment and other things that a police man things they tour us to the different badges and the hall of the PNP that I was amaze is the different kind of old guns and acient weapons.and the old helicopter,military jeep,tanks and etc. BSP In BSP they tour us the history of money and the different kinds of money and I felt boaring to the spoke person but when they let us see the acient money and I was amaze on the 100000 thousand bill and they different kind of games related on money but the time is to short we early go home but I learn many things thanks NSTP we gain knwolegde and expirience. Thats all.

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