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MST 3rd BBA 4TH Consumer Behaviour

Section A Q1> Define Innovators? Q2> What do you mean by reference group? Q3> Define needs and goals. Q4> Define early majority. Q5> Define personality? Section B Q1> Define opinion leadership.How does this influence consumer behavior? Q2> Define culture.What are the important characteristics culture? Q3>What is diffusion of innovation.What are the various elements of diffusion? Students(19)

MST 3rd BBA 2ND HRM Section A Q1> What is empowerment? Q2> Define job enrichment? Q3> Define HRD and HRM. Q4>Define recruitment. Q5> What do you mean by performance appraisal. Section B Q1> What is job analysis.Discuss the steps involved in job analysis. Q2> Define recruitment and identify the various factor which effect recruitment policies and programmes. Q3> Write a note a HRM in India ? Students (15)

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