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Kult - spoiler The reality behind the game is that God is out to get you.

Not test you to see i f you are worthy or punish you for the sins you committed in a life you can't re member, just simply out to get you. You personally. He (the Demiurge) created th e world as we know it (the Illusion) to serve as a prison for humanity, supposed ly afraid of the divine nature within each of us. Trapping mankind for all etern ity as they continue to chug through a constant cycle of life, death, suffering in Hell until they don't remember anything anymore and finally reincarnation. He ll isn't a punishment for the sinful, it's a metaphysical dishwasher set to burn the memories of your life right out of you so when you get shoved back into som e helpless, bawling fleshbag again you won't remember the Truth and find a way t o escape. So how do you escape? It's not an easy thing to do, and the only way out is goin g insane enough to escape. As your Mental Balance gets exceedingly high or low, time and space begin to warp around you and the Truth becomes apparent. Eventual ly you can reach Enlightenment and perhaps escape the prison of the Illusion - u nless the jailers kill you first. When the Demiurge created the Illusion and the metaphysical machinery that runs it, he did it with the help of the ten Archons, who stand as the ten Sephiroth o f kabbalistic lore - each embodying a different aspect of this perfect Illusion and prison. Similarly each Archon has a counterpart in Hell (Inferno), a Death A ngel patterned after the Qlippoth. The perfect Illusion didn't stay perfect for long, however, as once the Demiurge mysteriously disappeared and the Archons flailed around for leadership (eventua lly falling into war and even destroying a few of their brethren) as the Illusio n itself began to crumble and decay. Rips and tears appear more and more frequen tly and they only get larger as time wears on. This isn t a Get Out of Jail Free c ard for humanity, however, as all of the nasty beasties on the other side of the bars can now enter our cell with increasing ease. After aeons of bondage beneat h the Demiurge, a humanity blind to our own nature can do nothing except scream and gurgle a little bit as we re rent asunder.

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