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Winde and Weather. Orbe. Yeers. Conntries. Angel. Day of the week, Name. Coloxr, Latitude. Honfe. Triplicity. Terms. 76 Ax Introduttion to Aftrologie. She governeth the Souch-winde being hot and moyft ; in the temperament of the Ayre , fhe ruleth che Erefia;(he foretelleth in Summer,Serenity or cleer weather ; in Winter,rain or fnow. Her Orbe is 7, before and after any afpect of hers, Her greare(t yeers are 151. her grearer 82. her mean q5. her leaft 8. In Man fhe governeth Youth from 14, co 28, Arabia, Auftria,Campania,Vitnna,Polonia the greater, Turing, Parthia, Media, Cyprus, anu the fix climate, Her Angel is efnael. . Her day of the week Friday , of which fhe rules the firlt and eight houre; and in conception the fife Monch. Her Friends are all the Planets except h. CHAP, XIII. Of Mercury, and his fignification, nature and property. E iscalled Hermes, Stilbon, Cyllenius, eArchas. Mercury is che leaft of all che Planets , never diftant from the Sun above 27. degrees 5 by which reafon he is feldom vifible to our fight : He is of a dusky filver colour ; his mean motion is 59. min. and 8. feconds ; bur he is fometimes fo fwift that be moveth one degree and 40. min. in a day, never more ; fo that you are not co matvaile if you finde him fometimes goe 66. 68. 70. 80. 86. oF 100. in aday : he is Stationary one cay, and retrograde 24. dayes. His grearelt Souch Laticude is 3. degr. 35. min, His greateft Norch Lan. is 3. deg. 33. min. He. hath mF and 2 for bis Houfes , and is exalted in the rs of ™% : he receives detrimentin ¢ and % , his fal is in *. He rulech the aery ttipliciry by night, oz, 1 =e, He hath thefe degrees in every Sign for his Terms, InV, 1516 1718192021, InS, giorr 41213 I4 15. Ind, 1234567. In®, 1415 161718 19 20, InSt, 7891011 1213. Int®, 1234567. In An Introduction 10 Aftrolagie 77 In, 2021 2223 24. In™ , 22.23 2425 26:27. InZ, 15 161718 19 20. Inw, 78 g9101L Iz In, 78 9to1ri2. Ink , 15 161718 19 20. Thefe fubfequent degrees are his Faces or Decanate: Face, Ind, 123456789 10. InG, itz 1z14I5 16 17 TRIg920. In", 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. In?, 12345678910. Ins, IL1213 1415 1617 1819 20. ‘We may not call him either Mafculine or Feminine, for he is Matsre. eicher che one or ocher as joyned to any Planecsfor if in ¢ wich a Mafeuling Planec,he becomes Mafculine ; ifwich a Feminine, then Feminine , but of his own nature he iscold anddry , and therefore Melancholly ; with the good he is good, withthe Elements. evil Planers ill : in che Elements the Water ; amongit the hu- mours, the mixt, he rules che animal fpirit : he is auchor of fubtilty, tricks, devices, perjury, &c. Being wel dignified, he reprefents a man of a fubcil and againers politick brain , intelleét , and cogicacion ; an excellent difpu- whey well tant or Logician , arguing with learning anddileretion , and p/gced, ufing much eloquence in his fpeech , a fearcher inco all kinds of Mylteries and Learning,tharp and witry,learning almoft any thing wichout a Teacher ; ambitious of being exquifice in every Science, defirous nacurally of travel and feeing foraign parts: aman of an univearied fancy , curious in che fearch of any occult knowledge ; able by his own Geaius to produce wonders ; given to Divination and the more fecret know- ledge ; if he turn Merchant, no man exceeds him in way of Trade or invention of new wayes whereby co obrain wealth, Acroublefome wit , akinde of Phrenecick man , his congue and Pen againft every man , wholly bent to fool his efate and time in prating and trying nice conclufions to no purpote 5 a ne i great lyar, boalter, pratler , bufibody, falfe, atale-carrier, fiend given to wicked Agus, as Necromaney , and fuch like ungodly “270° K 3 know- Maaners, Corporature. Orventall. Occidental. Quality of moen and pro- feffions. Sickpeffe. 78 An Introdudlicn to ASirologie. knowledges 5 ealie of beleefe, an affe or very ideot, conftant in no place or opinion, cheating and theeving every where; a newes-monger; pretending all manner of knowledge,but guil- ty of no true or folid learning 5 a trifler 5 a meere frantick fel- low ; ifhe prove a Divine, then a meer verball fellow, frothy, of no judgement,eafily perverted,conttant in nothing but idle words and bragging, Vulgarly he denotes one of an high ftature and ftraight thin {pare body, an high forehead and fomewhat narrow long face, longnofe,fair eyes neither perfettly black or geay,chin lipsand nofe; little haire on the chin, but much on his head, andica fad browne inclining to blackneffe; long armes, fingers and hands ; his complexion like an Olive or Chefnut colours You muft more obferve ¥ then all the Planets; forhaving any a= {pet toa Planet, hedoth more ufually partake of the influ- ence of that Planet then any other doth ; if with h then hea- vy, with ¥ more temperate, with o more rath, with © more enteele, with @ more jelting, with > more thifters When he is Orientall, his complexion is honey colour, or like one well Sun-burnt ; in the ftature of hisbody not very high, but well joynted, fmall eyes, not much haires in very truth, according to the height of body, very well compofed, but fill a defe& in the complexion, viz {warty brown, and in the tongue,viz. all for his owne ends, When Occidentall, a tawny vilage, lanke body, fmall flen- der limbs, hollow eyes,and {parkling and red or fiery;the whol frame of body inclining to drineffe. He generally fignifies all literated men, Philofophers, Ma- thematicians, Aftrologians, Merchants, Secretaries, Scrive- ners, Diviners, Sculptors, Poets, Orators, Advocates, School- matters, Stationers, Printers, Exchangers of Money, Attur- neys, Emperours Embaffadours, Commiffioners, Clerks, Ar- tilicers, generally Accomptants,Solicitors,fometimes Theeves, pratling muddy Minifters,bufie Seftaries, and they unlearned Gramatians, Taylors, Carriers, Meffengers, Foot-men, U- ferers. All Vertigoe’s,Lethargies or giddineffe in the Head,Madnefle, cicher Lightnefle, or any Dileafe of theBraines Peifick, all ftammering An Introduction to ASbrologie. 79 ftammering and imperfection in the Tongue ; vaine and fond Imaginations, all defeéts in the Memory, Hoarcenefle , dry Coughs, too much abundance of Spettle, all {nailing and fouftling in the Head or Nofe; the Hand and Feet Gour, Dumneffe, Tongue-evil,all evils in the Fancy and intelle&tuall arts. P Mixed and new colours, the Gray mixed with Sky-colour, Colours and fuch as is on the Neck of the Stock-dove, Lintie-woollie co- Savcurs. lours, or confifting of many colours mixed in one: Of Savours an hodg-podge of all things together, {o that none can give ic any true name 3 yet ufually fuch as doe quicken the Spirits,are fabtill and penetrate, and in a manner infentible. Herbs attributed to ¥ ,are known by the various colour of Hearbs and the flower, and love fandy barren places,they bear their feed in Plants, husks or cods, they {mell rarely or fubtilly, and have princi- all relation to the tongue, braine, lungs or memory 3 they difpell winde, and comfort the Annimall fpirits,and open ob- ftru@ions. Beanes, three leaved graffe, the Walnue and Wal- nut-tree; the Filbert-tree and Nut; the Elder-tree, Adders tongue, Dragon-wort, Twopenny-grafle, Lungwort, Anni- feeds, Cubebs, Marioran. What hearbs are ufed for the Mufes and Divination,as Vervine,the Reed; of Drugs, Treacle,Hiera, Diambra. The Hyzna, Ape, Fox, Squirrel, Weafel, the Spider, the Grayhound, the Hermophradite,being partaker of both {exes ; all cunning creatures. The Lynnet, the Parrot, the Popinian, the Swallow, the Birds, Pye, the Beecle, Pifmires, Locults,Bees,Serpert,the Crane. The Forke-fith, Mullec. Fifhess Tradefmens-fhops, Markets, Fayres, Schooles, Common- Places. Hals, Bowling-Allyes, Ordinaries, Tennis-Courts: Quickfilver. Minzrals, The Milftone, Marchafite or fire-(tone, the Achates, Topaz, Stones. Vitriol,-all ftones of divers colours. ; He delights in Windy, Stormy and Violent, Boiftrous Wea- Winds a ther,and ftirs up that Wind which the Planet lignifies to which Weathers he applyes ; fomectimes Raine, at other times Haile, Lightning, Thunder and Tempetts,in hot Countries Earthquakes,but hie mull Beafts. Orbe. Yeers. Constries. Angel. Day of the week, Name. Motion. Latitude. Honfe. Triplicity. 80 An IntroduStion to AStrologie. muft be obferved really from the Signe and Seafon of the eeres , His Orbe is feven degrees before and after any afpect. His greacelt yeers are 450;his greater 7 6; his meane 48 ; his lictle or leaft 20 : in Conceptions he governeth the fixth moneth, He hath Grecia, Flanders, Egypt, Paris. His Angelis named Rapbaels He governeth Wednefday, the firt hour thereof, and the eight.His Friends are ¥ @ h yhis Enemies al che other Planets. Cuarp XIII Of the Moon ber properties and fignificationr. H E Moon we find called by the Ancients, Lucinz, Cynthia, Diana, Phebe, Latona, Nodtiluca, Projerpina; the is neereft to theEarth of all the Planets; her colour in the Elementis vulgarly knowne: fhe finifheth her courfe through the whole twelve Signs in 27 days, 7 hours and 43 min. or thereabouts : her meane motion is 13 degr. romin. and 36 teconds, but fhe moveth fometimes leffe and fometimes more, never exceed- ing 15 degr, and two min. in 24 hours {pace. Her greateft North latitude is 5 degr.and 17 min. or theres Her greateft South latitude is 5 degr, and 12 min. abouts, She is never Retrograde, but alwayes direét; when {he is flow in motion, and goeth leffe in 24.hours then 13 degr. and 1o min. fhe is then equivalent to a Rerrograde Planer, She hath the Signe @ for her houfe, and vp for her detri- mene; {he is exalted in 3%, and hath her fallin 3 grad. m 5 the governeth the Earthly Triplicity by night, viz. % ap yp : The Sun and fhe have no Termes ailigned them, In che twelve Signes fhe hath thelé degrees for her De- canate or Face. In G51t 12 13 14 15 16 17 98 tg 20. In S21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. In

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