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HQ Big Mek with KFF, Cybork body and flamer (115pts) - Crispy-Gubbinz Big Mek with KFF (85pts)

- Gorzod Troops Deff dread with 1 additional CCW and skorcha (Troop cause of Mek) (95pts) - Stom pa Deff dread with 1 additional CCW and skorcha (Troop cause of Mek) (95pts) - Andy the dednought 30 slugga boyz with Nob armed with Big Choppa (195pts) - Red sluggas 28 slugga boyz with Nob armed with Big Choppa (183pts) - White skulls Fast attack 1 deff kopta with buzz saw and twinlinked rokkit launcha (70pts) - Skabgrim 1 deff kopta with buzz saw and twinlinked rokkit launcha (70pts) - Dreggut Elites 3 Mega Armour Nobz, 1 with kombi skorcha and 1 with kombi rokkit launcha in Truk k with rokkit launcha (170pts) Da Dere-Devils Heavy Support 3 Killa Kans with Grot zookas (135pts) - Kicka, git stompa, skumfug 3 Killa Kans with Grot Zookas (135pts) - Tinee, Grimsnik, Rotdreg 3 Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas (150pts) - Zodog, Rocky, Grim-urty Army total points: 1498pts

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