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1984 Chapter I Questions 1. What is the significance of the man on the poster? 2.

What is Hate Week and how does one prepare? 3. Where is Winston/Where is Victory Mansions? 4. Who is the person behind the fruity voice? 5. Im assuming theres a reason why only the posters have color? 6. INGSOC? 7. Who are the Thought Police and why do they matter? 8. Additionally, why to the police control in the helicopters not matter? 9. What is the deal with pig-iron? 10. What is the Ninth Three-Year Plan? 11. Why are there telescreens everywhere? 12. Why/when was London bombed? 13. Why can Winston not remember his childhood? 14. What is the significance of the bright-lit tableaux? 15. Why does everyone seemingly look like a gorilla? 16. Why are party members not supposed to go into ordinary shops? 17. Why did we want the book so badly & why is it described as a compromising possession? 18. Why have all of the laws been abolished? 19. Why is he not sure of the year? 20. Does literally everything Winston see/do have to do with the government? 21. What is the Two Minutes Hate? 22. Why does he dislike women so much? 23. Who is Emmanuel Goldstein (The Enemy of the People)/why is he important? 24.

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