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A molecule of water is a compound made up of two atoms of the element hydrogen and one atom of the element oxygen.

The three things in the gas laws were temperature, pressure, and volume Physical properties can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter. (Melting pt., boiling pt., density, color, shape) Chemical properties describes how a substance reacts with another substance (reactivity, flammability) Pure substance matter that has a fixed composition and definite chem. props. A mixture is two or more things not chemically combined. Heterogeneous (not mixed uniformly) Homogeneous(mixed uniformly) Physical Changes changes in the physical properties of a substance that to do not change the identity of it. Changes of state, dissolving, and often easily reversed. Chemical changes form new substances that have new properties. Can only be reversed in chemical reactions. Causes changes in color, produces sound and heat.

Kinetic Theory states that all matter is made of tine moving particles. The higher the temp, the faster the particles move. At the same temperature lighter particles move faster than heavier ones. Solids have definite shape, volume, and a rigid structure, particles vibrate Liquids have definite volume, but variable shape, form to the container they are in, can particles can slide past each other. Gases have variable volume and shape, they particles move rapidly and fill the space (compressible low density, and expand to fill container) Plasma no definite shape and particles are broken apart. Similar to gases but affected by magnetism and electricity. Thermal energy total kinetic energy of the particles of a substance Temperature the average kinetic energy Conservation of mass/energy Mass/energy cannot be changed or destroyed Buoyancy The tendency of a less dense substance to float in a less dense substance Buoyant force the upward force exerted by fluids Density Mass over volume

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