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Enamoeba histolytica Balantidium coli Giardia lamblia Malaria


Tjahaja Haerani S 29122011

1. Stadium histolytica:
ukuran : 20-40 micron Endoplasma: satu inti entamoebic berisi sel darah merah Pseudopodium dibentuk dari ektoplasma

3. Stadium kista
ukuran :10-20 micron bulat atau lonjong berisi : 4 inti entamoeba (mature cyst) ektoplasma bergranula

Balantidium coli vegetative

Balantidium coli cyst

Bentuk vegetatif Giardia lamblia

ukuran : 12-15 mikron bentuk sperti jambu monyet (bilateral symmetrical) sepasang inti bentuk oval

sepasang aksonema
dsbt aksostil 2 blepharoplasts, 4 ps flagella diantara anterior, dan lateral 2 parabasal bodies

Bentuk kista Giardia lamblia

Bentuk oval

ukuran : 8 -12 mikron

inti : 2 - 4

memp. dinding kista

2 blepharoplasts 2 parabasal bodies

a. Plasmodium falciparum thin smear Trophozoite stages (ring form)

Infected Red Blood Cell : -normal shaped -stippling : Maurer Dot Parasite : -signet ring form, small (size 1/6 of RBC, multiple infection)

b. Plasmodium falciparum thick smear

Trophozoite stages

Shape : ring and coma form chromatin : single dot often two dots Cytoplasm : regular, fine to fleshy

Shape : banana-shaped

Chromatin : single, well defined

Pigment : scattered , coarse

b. Plasmodium falciparum thin smear Trophozoite and schizont stages Infected Red Blood Cell : - normal shaped

- stippling : Maurer Dot Parasite :

- merozoite : 8-24 irregular distribution -Pigment : central mass, dark brown

VI. Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax (Mix infection) Plasmodium falciparum : gametocyte stages Plasmodium vivax : trophozoite stages - Schuffner stippling in ghost of host RBC - shape : ring to irregular - chromatin : single occasionally two - cytoplasm : irregular or

- Pigment : scattered, fine

.Plasmodium vivax thin smear Trophozoite stages (ameboid form)

Infected Red Blood Cell:
- enlarged shape - stippling: schuffners dots Parasite : - irregular shape (ameboid form) - brown pigment in the



Plasmodium vivax thick smear

trophozoite, schizont, gametocyte( all stages)

- Shape: Schuffners stippling in ghostof host red cell as red zone Parasite: trophozoite - shape: broken ring to irregular forms - cytoplasm irregular gametocyte : - pigment: scattered schizont : - 12-24 merozoites, usually 16

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