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STATE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA a NOVEMBER 4, 2008 = TisTRUCTONS TO VOTERS F ‘enact nonce : FEDERAL OFFICES ‘STATE OFFICES ‘SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES [= INDEPENDENT SCHOOL |= ‘PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ‘STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT NO. 834 = ee at} (STILLWATER) le iN AND . STRIC |= Sura SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES |= a CONSTITUTIONAL on - er NTE ANENDMENT (apoE ABER ——|> a cuMerE Fale o vote on constitutional amendment, gggKATHY BUCHBOLZ mis EAEOND Sea peer ce oa /ALYSON KENNEDY Tver ora ogo strlen |gpWICHAEL B PTACER oo lteerigrsteeeaen | Wemuowes sea en eae ta = _| oiserweetince oa Soiree eetaer Sate was Steen Sieg iepeces lg ‘tr souros to pete ane {nd we abt prose out and —| ctr neste to supper our parks and ‘UNITED STATES SENATOR ~ Now cOLENA lakes ers, Steams, ané groundwater by nthe year 20307" restore ‘Gur weands, pas, frst a sh, gue, tral and rae emacs, an restore our Ineeising the sland Ue tat te begining ty 208 by Oregons percent on ‘COUNTY OFFICES CUNT COMMONER rere fecanv mesa ToaMRERGON “THoWAS KOPEL leit tiwaoeens VOTE FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT _ v1 Forman pusoy. STATE GENERAL ELECTION BP rin \\ocortec (WuP* Fw WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINE ‘05,262 Thrash NOVEMBER 4, 2098 SientaUCaccroioat =| INSTRUCTIONS To VOTERS - Toor comply ne ae ow toe hehe: —) ~~ aubiciat oFFices {0TH DISTRICT COURT 70TH DISTRICT COURT = ose = ‘SUPREME COURT serie count sent court - ‘Ssoeute mee TREY TLE os - soe aut Genrer HRI MERE oe ——_— “eae =) Twmceista0 7" U0 fornrerocon == a serupr court ELA ETA - "ROBERT B, VARCO iourtont : _ - Surge count Zo OEE = are SERVE toe ae = —— oo OR RELING [we — swrugecicowe TEMES re ae ‘COURT OF APPEALS ae ee amo ees TORATD HATES ore oomseans emer = RR SoNEEUMER a TORS WEBLO “bee a som i gu —— oae7 BNE Wats om ogee — cougt or ArrENS GORD UAKA rv "EDWARD TOUSSAINT IR von PELUCTEEEPE PP —— “GES “BCE ‘erugarnt court OTERO KARLAF HANCOCK woneoe “aoe TEAS TALON na | _ tomate court —__—————— -| JUDGE 15. “AMES T. (JIM) REUTER rower rz] serpy couRe ene ONSEN TAWRENGER, JOHNSON namin “U0 38 ROGER RAPHE rac ———————| _ ‘omar courr sa i | “JUDGE 21 "GREGORY G.GALLER nant BOE 8 ‘WrasMeTR CouRT ——— enema [TRENNETHT JORGENSEN ames TRRET ASN eee —— "ubo= 72 veri court TAI FREDRIEHEOA nom OTE FRONT ANO BACK OF BALLOT

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