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Form sauor STATE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT = Ch wree WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA. = = NOVEMBER 4, 2008 - - WSTROCTON TOVOTERS - = ‘onda conte imot tr c =~ FeverAL orrices STATEOFFIGES | SCHOOL OSTRICT OFFICES |= = INDEPENDENT SCHOOL = = ‘PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT ‘STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT NO. 834 - a ‘VOTE FOR ONE marae (STILLWATER) - SS Skettatn Fegan ScHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES |= io ae | 2 CONSTITUTIONAL : = T) emnecnconarae AMENDMENT aR =| SACRE Faure to vote op 2 constntional amendment, | VINCENT (VINCE) ANDERBON | Soa | Secs | Seen -E om) Sooner | Tepgerspogeeedcommionlwendeert | LUSHAUGHNESSY ae om] RALPHNADER aD pa gion Tow squat "| GEORGE. DERBERGER = =) ee cement wettare | Seem —— = BOB BARR AND ‘CLEAN WATER, WILDLIFE, sneer Sea a= _ pnd = aaa age Cen = = omen Sicneigat eaten : =e aon - Teme Seatac = om) DEAV BARKLEY {arable saleg unt the yer 20347" | - @ eeeecu ‘es = = =) Arne 2s - =) ete — commented = = Bese : = Sinema — | : one = Sen - @ wcretenscinaw ————| = 7 vee ona eacor anor : Ron dE RATED et as oma lorem ear STATE GENERAL ELECTION BAL P=" e\tuclurehiep z ——— WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNES- Rerweriertccy a NOVEMBER 4, 2008 “*Ceygiveerntet ] TUPIti ere rere ere eee eee zs) Ceara * NANCY LOGERING natn assooure usTeee Sere a | aescean Te remit court ORE SOREN GRE ee “ae SRRTA BLA es sori court ——_ ie (URT OF APPI TRAN MES rare “juoge 3 Oe 10TH DISTRICT COURT wos i THOMAS HAYES vs count or rea. seg cover —_ | ere reroco = oan RTA TOUGASENESLOM roc “ubGE 8 = __tagigrie cour EARNS WMS rom x “AUNT PEIOLETON res “WwoGe 37 ‘orwpisrmicr couRT “oGE 16 MES (REUTER en, terns court = — TaNRENCER. OHNO Co JUDGE Re ‘ory DISTRICT COURT aoe “GREGORY. GALLER rantow TT RERRETHT IORGENSEN sami “UOGE & ———e_ | swvapisrecr couRT |

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