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WHAT IS A CONSTITUTION A body of rules, written or unwritten, according to which a government as an agen of a state is carried on, is called a constitution.

These rules deal with the form of government, structure and the functions of various organs of government and the relation between them. The principles, according to which the rights and duties of the citizens are regulated are also prescribed in the constitution. Woolsey defines the constitution as, "The collection of principles according to which the powers of the government, the rights of the governed and the relation between the two are adjusted". Aristotle says, "Constitution is the way of life a state has chosen for itself". In short, a constitution is a frame or foundation of government. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD COONSTITUTION A good constitution should possess the following characteristics. 1. Definite It must clearly define what it contains. It should be easily understood by people. Written and carefully worded constitutions are considered to be more satisfactory than unwritten ones. 2. Comprehensive A good constitution should be comprehensive. It should cover the whole field of government. It must deal with the organisation and powers of the various organs of the government. 3. Brief Another characteristic of a good constitution is its brevity. It should state only necessary provisions. A detailed constitution will lead to many constitutional disputes. A good constitution never tries to lay sown minute details. 4. Durable and Elastic It should be durable. It should be neither so rigid as to prevent change nor so flexible as to encourage tampering with basic principles. It is necessary that flexibility and stability in a constitution should go hand in hand. 5. Fundamental Rights A good constitution should contain a list of fundamental rights of the citizens. 6. Suitable A good constitution should suit the social, political and economic consitions prevailing in the constitution.

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