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This is a story about me, about how my life changed forever.

It all started when I was sitting in math class. We were listening to Mr. Lander drawn on about finding x when the world started to spin. There was a painful tugging motion and then I has lying on my back in a bed of grass. Yes I said grass, and no there is not grass on the floor of my classroom. I pushed my self up from the grass and looked around with dizzy eyes. The sun was starting to set; I was in a clearing in the middle of a forest of pine trees. I started to stand up when I saw a figure standing to my left. I froze. It was a teenage boy, with dark hair. He stood facing the sun set, his hands in his pockets and a faint smile on his lips. Then with out warning he turned and looked strait at me. His eyes widened and then he frowned. What are you doing here? He demanded, thought I could tell from the way he asked it, that he already had a guess. I dont know how I would have answered but then I noticed a pounding sound coming from the forest. He must have heard it to because he started off into the distance as if he could see what was making the noise and his frown deepened. We have to leave. He said then gave a soft whistle. Out of the trees galloped a black stallion. He then leaped in to the saddle with panther like grace, and held out his hand to me. Haha, I laughed nervously, not sure what was happening, But unlike snow white and sleeping beauty I dont usually ride off with strangers. He just raised his eyebrows, and I knew these names meant nothing to him, then he said, My names Jason, there, now Im not a stranger anymore. So will you please get on the horse. He helding his hand out urgently,

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