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1. Which part of a typical land plant is most directly involved with the process of transpiration? (1.) chloroplasts (2.

) phloem (3.) cambium (4.) stomates 2. Which type of organism synthesizes organic materials from inorganic raw materials? (1.) autotroph (2.) heterotroph (3.) parasite (4.) saprophyte 3. Which energy conversion occurs during the process of photosynthesis? (1.) chemical bond energy to light energy (2.) light energy to mechanical energy (3.) mechanical energy to radiant energy (4.) light energy to chemical bond energy 4. The raw materials for photosynthesis are (1.) oxygen and carbon dioxide (2.) carbon dioxide and water (3.) oxygen and water (4.) sugar and carbon dioxide 5. The size of the stomata in a leaf are controlled by the (1.) xylem cells (2.) guard cells (3.) phloem cells (4.) cambium cells 6. The conversion of light energy into chemical bond energy can be best carried on by cells which contain (1.) centrioles (2.) glycogen (3.) contractile vacuoles (4.) chlorophyll 7. Which process is most closely associated with the activity of the guard cells? (1.) digestion (2.) reproduction (3.) locomotion (4.) transpiration 8. Plants which grow in dry environments would most likely have (1.) small leaves with few stomates (2.) stomates which are permanently open (3.) large leaves with many stomates (4.) stomates in their stems and roots 9. During photosynthesis in a bean plant, which wavelength of light is least effective? (1.) red (2.) blue (3.) green (4.) violet 10. The chief purpose of the photosynthetic process is considered to be the (1.) production of water (2.) production of carbon dioxide (3.) production of chlorophyll (4.) the conversion of light energy to chemical energy 11. A plant that lacks chloroplasts does NOT (1.) give off oxygen (2.) give off carbon dioxide (3.) take in water (4.) take in food 12. Which substances enter a green plant chiefly through its leaves? (1.) oxygen and minerals (2.) water and minerals (3.) water and carbon dioxide (4.) carbon dioxide and oxygen

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