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About the Author

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and invite you to join me on
my journey for an enhanced quality of life and longevity through physical training and
nutrition education.

I am well qualified to help guide you on this journey as I have had over 30 years
working in the Fitness Industry helping people of all ages improve their strength and
fitness levels.

I am currently the co-owner of two Fitness Centers in Northland New Zealand.

Having a passion for strength training landed me onto the competition bodybuilding
stage which continued for over 25 years. The highlight was winning a New Zealand
National Bodybuilding Title

My new goal is to start educating older people about the necessity of including an
exercise program in their lives. The internet is a wonderful tool to be able to reach
out to many people and help them start a journey that will change their lives.

Carolyn Hansen
I’ve Found the Fountain of Youth – Let Me Show You Too!

I've Found the Fountain of Youth -

Let me Show You Too!
Slow Accelerated Aging and Reduce Your Risk of an Early

Your body is the only possession you absolutely own - outright.

There may be a few spare parts available nowadays - but no
replacements. Castles, land, houses, cars, money, titles, lovers
and sundry other seemingly indispensable possessions can be
acquired, but they can be lost - they can be taken away from
you. Only death can steal your body.
Without a vital body all other possessions are rendered

You may ask yourself:

• “If this is really is the only body I’ve got how long do I want
to keep it working?
• “Do I really want to remain young, physically and mentally
sound with a strong body and mind?”
• “How long do I want to retain total mobility and thus
• “Is this something I have any say over or can do anything
• “Am I prepared to invest some time into staying as young
as possible for as long as possible?”

The world has been searching for the fountain of youth for
centuries. Not only do we want to look younger and live longer,
we want those extra years to be full of independence and
vigor. We don’t just want to survive. We want to feel younger
and be strong.

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We all live in an age that belongs to the young at heart. Life

that is becoming extremely fast, day to day, also asks us to
remain physically young. Young at heart, young in mind and
young in your body has become the principle of survival.

Yet our age increases with every day of our life. The fast pace
of the world around us in fact makes us age faster. But, it is
important to retain our youthful vigor, for it is only with young
passion and energy that we can work towards success, enjoy a
peaceful, healthy life and keep ourselves happy.

Exercise: The Real Fountain of Youth

Everyone is looking for the magic answer and quick fix, but
most people ignore the good science that exists. We hold the
key to our own fountain of youth that so many people are
looking for - we just need to unlock the door. The secret is
exercise. Physical strength and fitness is the key to health and
longevity and is the closest thing to a ’magic bullet,’ to ensure
longevity and a good quality of life.

What Is the Accelerated Aging Syndrome?

Most people in the so-called civilized nations are actually
pursuing an accelerated aging program which leaves us feeling
old and exhausted long before our time. It is best characterized
by: an expanding waistline, shrinking muscles and fitness,
decreased thinking power, worsening cholesterol profiles, rising
blood pressure, more aches and pains, decreasing energy and
an overall sense of fatigue.

If you want to accelerate your aging process, and shorten your

life, the way to do that is to do what most people are doing
already: avoid physical exercise, eat a large percentage of your
diet from fast foods and junk foods.

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Continue to consume large quantities of white flour and refined

white sugar, and eat brand-name groceries sold in beautiful
boxes, made with dirt-cheap ingredients that lack any nutritional
content whatsoever, and of course, avoid supplementing with
super foods and other nutritional supplements.

So, lie on the couch, watch TV, drink beer and eat potato chips
with all your spare time and the disabilities of aging will
overtake you quicker than you could ever imagine.

Use It or Lose It! -

It happens as you sit at your desk, on your couch, or in your
car. It happens as you stand in line, doing everyday tasks, or
while sleeping. You have been losing muscle and gaining fat
every day since sometime in your twenties. You are losing
strength so gradually that you probably haven't noticed.

But you will.

As you get older, you may no longer be strong enough to run,

go out dancing, or climb a flight of stairs. It will get more difficult
to carry out the normal functions of daily living; even carrying
groceries becomes a major chore. Eventually, just getting out of
a chair could be a struggle. You see if you don’t use it (your
body) you’re guaranteed to lose it – to disease, weakness, and

The typical sedentary adult loses 3 kilos of lean muscle tissue

every 10 years between ages 20 and 70. The experts tell us
that most of our muscle loss occurs because we stop doing
active things that require muscle power, not because we age.
Studies show 28% of men and 65% of women over age 74
cannot lift a 5 kilo object over their head.

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The gradual loss of muscle can start a vicious cycle as it

weakens the body. It weakens the immune system, nerve cells,
hormones and other chemicals. At the point where it becomes
difficult to do a particular task, people will naturally shy away
from that task. Therefore lack of activity will speed up muscle
loss. Contributing to this is the fact that people from their mid-
forties onwards spend 80 percent of their waking hours sitting

What many adults overlook or are just not aware of is the

importance of doing activities that challenge their muscles to
get stronger. Loss of muscle mass is not something that only
occurs in older adults. Even young adults lose muscle if it is not
purposefully maintained. But it doesn't have to be that way.

There's only one way to stop your muscles from wasting away:
strength training. It doesn't matter if you're a 40-year-old runner
or a 75-year-old retiree. If you don't build muscle, you'll lose

Turn Back the Clock

You can do more than just hope for a strong, mobile body as
you age. It is possible to turn back the aging clock! The myth is
that as we grow older we get much weaker and suffer more
aches and pains. We've been told that losing muscle and
gaining fat are just part of the natural aging process. The fact is
that many of the symptoms of old age are really the symptoms
of inactivity - of using our muscles less! Muscle weakness,
bone loss, and sluggish metabolism are changes that
accompany aging but are not solely caused by it.

First and foremost - The body is a demand-driven, adaptable,

living system that requires movement and muscular activity to
maintain its function. Look what happens to someone
bedridden in a hospital; muscle mass, flexibility, strength, bone
density and range of motion drop in just a matter of days.

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The unseen effects are equally damaging; every organ reduces

function and slows its activity. Lack of movement is devastating
to the human body.

Aging is very much like a longer version of being bedridden.

Slowly, over decades, the same decreases in capability occur
AND the antidote is the same: MOVEMENT

Start moving and your ability to move will improve. Walk, run,
dance, stretch, lift weights, play games that require physical
motion and the losses due to aging will reverse.
Along with this improved ability to move, many other changes
take place. Blood sugar levels will regulate downward and
remain more even, stored fat will be reduced, insulin sensitivity
will improve, blood pressure will come down and your heart will
get stronger.

Your vascular system will actually start building collateral

arteries around blocked vessels, improving blood flow to your
heart and other organs. The body's repair mechanisms speed
up, things heal faster, the immune system gets stronger; you
get sick less often and you recover more quickly from virtually
every malady.

Not only would you feel younger, but you'd be physiologically

younger on the inside too.

What Happens if We Don’t Exercise?

Before the age of physical maturity at about 25 years, bodies
are continually growing and developing. During this phase,
muscles grow stronger even without specific exercise.

After we reach the age of 30, we basically have two options.

We can either begin the long process of becoming weaker or
we can work to maintain our strength.

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After this point, if the body does not receive the necessary
stimulus to trigger muscle growth, a slow process of muscle
atrophy or wasting begins. This loss of muscle tissue directly or
indirectly causes the degenerative processes and conditions
that characterize the aging process.

Muscles become weaker and less enduring; bones become

more susceptible to fracture; joints deteriorate; metabolism
slows; fat stores accumulate; body shape and appearance
change. This process accelerates beyond age sixty and many
eventually become so weak and immobile that they lose their

By the time you are 60, you may have lost up to half your
muscular strength, half your lung capacity and a good
percentage of bone density. This leads to many age related
ailments such as osteoporosis, diabetes, back pain and more.
Recreational-type activities such as walking, tennis, etc, keep
the heart and lungs somewhat conditioned, however, these
kinds of activities cannot halt, let alone reverse muscle tissue
loss. Strength training is the only viable way to address it.

Anti-aging remedies and procedures are increasingly in high

demand. While struggling against the ravages of aging before
we complain too much we should remember getting older is a
privilege denied to many.
While this is definitely true, the privilege does not come without
its challenges. Superficial changes may help one look and feel
better, but aging graciously really requires enduring
transformation that improves one’s physical health. The elusive
fountain of youth is found in maintaining or rebuilding muscle

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And if you do use it, especially if you strength train, you can
easily become 100 to 175 percent stronger! No matter what
your age (40, 65, 85 years old) you can gain strength and build
muscle as fast as a 21 year old. How’s that for reclaiming your

Exercise can slow and even reverse many components of the

aging process. It's probably the single most effective way to
lengthen life. Proper exercise can rejuvenate you and take
years off your chronological age - it's the closest thing to an
anti-aging pill. In other words, exercise can add years to your
life and life to your years.

As we age things change; if your lifestyle has been sedentary

chances are you have put weight on, lost muscle mass and
have aches and pains more than likely caused from being out
of shape. All this combined with poor nutritional habits and a
24/7 pace that most of us maintain only adds to the problem.
Unfortunately our society wants everything made easy.
They want to drop fat without eating right, get strong without
effort, and be healthy while drinking and smoking and want it all
yesterday. What they really want most is to be able to
participate in activities and at levels of when they were much
younger. In order to accomplish this certain behavior
modifications or lifestyle changes must be made.

Wearing glasses, hearing aids and dying one’s hair are

effective methods of reversing the effects of aging, but the most
effective thing we can do to reverse the aging process is to do
regular strength training exercise.
It is the most effective exercise in addressing the biomarkers
that effect not only how young we look, but more importantly,
how we young we feel. After exercising you change the
chemical makeup of your blood for eight to 12 hours. So for a
large majority of that day, you're regenerating cells and building
a better body and brain.

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Each our bodies undergo many changes that can be reversed

by proper strength training:

Loss of Lean Tissue Mass

Your muscles and internal organs are lean tissues. As we age
we lose both muscle and internal organ weight. The largest loss
of this tissue is from muscle mass which declines with age and
with the rate of loss accelerating after age 45. If existing muscle
is not exercised properly, an average of 3 kilos of muscle tissue
will be lost every decade of adult life, reducing the capacity to
function and slowing metabolism.

The amount of muscle you have - and that you retain - is

determined in part simply by how much you use your muscles.
If you use your muscles frequently, you can maintain their
strength. But if you push your muscles to the limits of their
capacity by exercise, you can actually increase their strength
no matter your age. Increase the demands on the muscular
skeletal system, and as self-protection the body responds by
maintaining stronger muscles and bones. The heart is a muscle
and most people don’t realize they have diminished heart
capacity until it’s too late – when they are in the emergency
room after a heart attack.

Muscles are the engine of our body where energy is released,

power is produced, and where movement originates. Because
the condition of our engine has a lot to do with the way we look,
feel, and function, strong muscles are very advantageous.
Well-conditioned muscles provide better support and shock
absorption for the lower back, absorbing forces that might
otherwise overstress the spinal column. Muscles have the
plasticity that tendons and ligaments do not contributing to
greater flexibility.

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People who age well, who seem to be far younger than their
years, retain their lean tissue mass and have a longer life,
fewer illnesses and better mental functioning. A well-
conditioned sixty-year old is equivalent to a sedentary forty-

Strength is not a luxury as we age. It is absolutely necessary

for longevity and health. Increasing strength is now a PROVEN
way to make the aging process turn around at the genetic level
within the cell.

Can you see why muscle loss is a major deal?

Improve Circulation
The heart is not the only muscle to pump the blood. Whenever
any muscle contracts it squeezes blood towards the heart, and
when it relaxes it fills with blood again exactly like the heart.
Healthy, strong muscles not only take the burden off the heart,
they actually support it.

Metabolic Rate (BMR)

This simply means the rate your body burns fuel - your
metabolism - when you’re at rest (”basal,” as in “baseline”). As
the engine of the body, our muscles burn fuel (calories). Like
other essential measures, your BMR declines with age and you
burn fewer calories when your body isn’t in motion. From about
age 20 on, every decade that you age reduces the amount of
calories you need to maintain a constant body weight by
roughly 100 calories. So a typical 70-year-old needs 500 fewer
daily calories than a 20-year-old.

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More muscle requires more calories. Those who are stronger

can have the metabolism they had when they were twenty
years younger. If you keep eating the way you did when you
were 20 - or even 40 - you’ll put on excess body fat unless you
start burning more calories. It can be a vicious cycle: too many
calories, too little exertion, reduced musculature and a declining
metabolic rate, all adding up to more body fat.

That’s why you need the proper exercise program to increase

your muscle, increase your metabolic rate thereby burning
more calories and producing more energy. This is the secret to
turning back the aging clock.

Body Fat Percentage

The average person’s problem is not excess weight as much as
it is excess body fat coupled with too little muscle. Simply losing
weight is the wrong goal; the key is changing your ratio of body
fat (biologically inactive energy storage) to muscle (biologically
active tissue). People with a greater ratio of muscle to fat enjoy
a higher metabolism and don’t have to worry as much about
gaining weight or about how much they eat - that active tissue
burns more calories.

Strength training increases both muscle mass and tissue

activity, which produces an accelerated metabolic rate and
higher daily energy expenditure.

Even if your body weight hasn’t gone up that much as you’ve

gotten older, you’ve probably gained fat. As your musculature
shrinks, fat tissue accumulates. Since muscle tissue weighs
more than body fat, that number on your bathroom scale can
be deceiving.

Instead of focusing on losing weight, concentrate on gaining

muscle and shedding fat achieved through the right exercise

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Aerobic Capacity
How much oxygen can your body process within a given time?
That’s your aerobic capacity, for which you need healthy lungs,
a strong heart and an effective vascular network. Here’s
another biomarker that naturally declines with age in most
people: In both men and women, aerobic capacity at age 65 is
typically 30-40% less than in young adults. But older people
who exercise regularly lose less of their aerobic capacity.

Bone Density
With age, the mineral content of your bones declines, leaving
you with a weaker, less dense, more brittle skeleton. On
average, a person loses approximately I % of bone mass per
year. When this loss reaches the point where your fracture risk
is substantially higher, it’s called “osteoporosis,” a condition that
can affect men as well as women. But osteoporosis isn’t an
inevitable consequence of aging.

Strong muscles lead to strong bones and increased bone

mineral density. Strength training helps to maintain bone
strength and can serve as an excellent preventive measure
against osteoporosis.

Blood Sugar Tolerance

“Glucose tolerance” means your body’s ability to control blood
sugar (glucose). Aging takes a toll on your ability to use this
sugar from your bloodstream, though you probably don’t realize
it - like hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance displays no
symptoms. By age 70, some 30% of women and 20% of men
have an abnormal glucose-tolerance curve, increasing their risk
of developing type-2 diabetes.

This creeping blood-sugar intolerance can be among the most

devastating changes associated with aging.

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While aging is one factor in the changing of your glucose

metabolism for the worse, so are three factors you can control:
• increased body fat
• inactivity
• a diet high in fat

A proper exercise program performed at the correct intensity

enhances glucose metabolism and helps to decrease the
likelihood of adult onset diabetes.

Increased Susceptibility to Injury

Muscle loss is also related to the onset of many bone diseases.
The muscle tissue that holds our spine in alignment can
deteriorate as we age and cause major back problems. The
same is true for the muscle and tendons around the knee and
hip joints.

A stronger body is less likely to get injured. This might be the

most important benefit. People wait until injuries occur and then
exercise becomes problematic. To help avoid surgery the best
thing you can do for your joints is to make the muscles
supporting those joints stronger. Take the steps now to avoid
herniated discs and hip and knee replacements.

Strengthen Your Immune System and Reduce Your Risk of

an Early Death
You probably know that your immune system is responsible for
detecting and fighting off infections. But did you know that it
also detects and destroys cancer cells? That’s right, part of the
immune system’s function is to locate and destroy tumor cells
before they get out of control.

Strength training can increase both the number and the amount
of activity of several different types of immune cells – especially
the ones whose primary jobs are to detect and destroy
cancerous and virus-infected cells.

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When the heart rate is increased, this in turn helps remove

germs and speeds the circulation of antibodies and white blood
cells (natural killer cells) through the body.
Research shows that white blood cell counts can increase by
anywhere from 50 per cent to 300 percent after a vigorous
exercise session.

Strength training may be even more important for the immune

system in another way: because it builds muscle. And muscle
tissue is crucially important for immune function in two ways:

• Muscle is the primary site in the body where glutamine is

formed. Glutamine is an amino acid that is used as a
necessary fuel source by many cells of the immune
system – without it, they cannot function.

• Building lean muscle tissue is the body’s only way of

storing protein.

There is no other way for your body to build up a reserve of

extra protein. And it is essential that you have this extra protein
available when you get sick, because your body will draw on it
to produce the new antibodies and white blood cells that you
need to fight off an infection or find and attack cancerous cells.

If you let your muscles shrink as you get older – and they will, if
you don’t do strength training to maintain them – then you are
losing your ability to create the cells you will need to fight off

This is one important reason why illnesses and injuries are

often so much harder for older people to recover from: they
have lost too much of their muscle, so they don’t have any
reserve of protein to call on if they get sick or injured.
In addition during a vigorous exercise session, the temporary
elevation of body temperature may inhibit bacterial growth,
allowing the body to fight the infection more effectively.

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Finally, exercise slows down the release of stress-related

hormones, and stress hampers the immune system, increasing
the chance of illness.

Many people get sick when they feel stressed or depressed.

The immune system slows down when stress hormones are
released. Exercise helps reduce stress hormones and releases
good hormones. Regular exercise also helps relieve stress
directly, by providing an outlet for, and consuming much of, the
nervous energy produced by stress. It also helps indirectly by
shifting one's focus away from the external factors producing
the stress.

All of this will have a positive effect on the immune system by

lessening the body's susceptibility to disease, while increasing
the robustness of the immune system itself.

So NEVER let yourself believe that muscles are just for looks.
They are essential to the proper function of your immune
system. They can save your life! And the only way to keep
them as you get older is to keep strength training.

Blood Pressure
The importance of controlling your blood pressure should come
as no surprise as elevated blood pressure is known as "the
silent killer". What may surprise you is that an increase in blood
pressure with age is not inevitable: Many populations around
the world show no increase in blood pressure with age.

You can defend yourself against or even treat high blood

pressure or hypertension with a regular, vigorous exercise
program that includes building and maintaining your strength at
least 50% of the time.

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Improved Body Shape

The body's shape is determined by bone structure and muscle-
to-fat ratio. More muscle and less fat improve most people's
Within genetic parameters muscle adds shape and firmness to
the body giving your body a much younger and vital look.
Muscle is youth!

Exercise and our Mind

Amazing as it might seem, physical exercise affects more than
just our bodies. It also helps our minds.

Our bodily organs are intricately interrelated. Everything inside

us influences everything else. The state of our lungs
determines the condition of our hearts. Our stomachs affect our
intestines. Beyond that, our bodies can sway our minds.
Perhaps you’ve heard about how our mental outlook or our
level of stress can impact our physical health. Well, that’s a
two-way street. Mind affects body.

But body also affects mind. And regular exercise can improve
the overall attitude of our minds. In fact, exercise has a variety
of psychological effects that enhance physical health. It buffers
against stress, is an effective treatment for anxiety, and
according to some researchers, is as effective as
psychotherapy in treating mild depression.

Strength Training is a Simple Concept

It is extremely important to understand that only strength
training is capable of preventing age-related muscle loss. No
other form of exercise or physical activity is adequate. Even
very high levels of aerobic activity fail to stop muscle loss. An
active lifestyle is not enough; however, becoming stronger will
help you remain active for your entire life.

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Strengthening your muscles requires only one or two thirty-

minute training sessions per week. A small investment of time
and effort can pay huge dividends.

Slow, controlled loading of your muscles with adequate

resistance can rapidly rebuild strength and help you regain
youthful vitality. Strength training is the real fountain of youth
and can make old muscles new again right down to the genetic

When you strength train, your muscles exert a force against

some type of resistance to condition the muscular system. It
involves briefly working your muscles, on a regular basis, a little
more than they are accustomed to working. It doesn't matter if
this resistance is from machines or free weights. Your muscles,
tendons, ligaments and bones will respond by getting stronger.
The amount of resistance a muscle has to work against
determines how strong it gets.

This strengthening will make your joints more stable and less
prone to injury. Everyday tasks will become easier, such as
picking up grocery bags or grandchildren, getting up from a low
sofa or going up stairs.
It's never too late to turn back the clock with this powerful age

Strength training can improve the quality of your life at any age
or condition. Traditionally it was thought that it was normal to
get weak and feeble as one aged. We now know that this is not
true - that inactivity is the culprit, not aging itself.

But you are lucky - you have access to new research that
wasn't available to the previous generations. It's important to
embrace new information, even if it means tossing out familiar

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The most effective fitness programs consist of a strengthening

component and a cardiovascular component. This combination
works so well because it is the best way to change your body

Body composition, is a much more meaningful measure of

health and well being than absolute body weight and is a
measure of how much body fat you have in relation to how
much muscle mass you have.
Obviously you want to have less fat and more muscle. The key
to good health is much more than battling the scale, you need
good quality muscle mass.

What Strength Training Isn’t

Strength training is not running on a treadmill, riding a
stationary bike, or using an elliptical machine. Although those
types of aerobic machines use "resistance" to increase your
workout intensity, it's not the same as strength training.

Even regular aerobic exercise - which means contracting your

muscles many times with little or no resistance - doesn't
prevent loss of muscle mass. Runners still lose muscle mass
even if they're highly active. Although walking is great exercise,
it is not enough to maintain overall muscle mass and doesn't
make people stronger, and many of us need to get stronger as
we get older.

Vigorous Exercise Can Really Roll Back the Years

People are feeling younger and living longer with the desire to
stay active and competitive in their later years. Tapping into the
“fountain of youth” of exercise and nutritional strategies is your
lifeline to continue this active lifestyle as well as preventing
many age related diseases.

As little as six months of strength training will turn back one of

the body's molecular clocks and rejuvenate ageing muscles to
the extent that they are almost as powerful as those found in
someone much younger.

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Your strength training routine must be regular and consistent

for results to be noticeable. The most important thing to
remember is that you are taking steps every day to reverse the
damage of Father Time, so do not beat yourself up if you do not
see immediate results.

The end result of your strength and fitness program will be a

total lifestyle change where you replace bad habits with healthy
ones and feel the benefits that come with your positive choice.

If you're not putting forth a serious effort in your strength

training program at least twice a week, you're forfeiting
approximately 300 - 500 grams of muscle per year.

Without effort, your results will be minimal. If you want to

transform your body to anything close to what it was 20 years
ago you must work harder than you are used to in order to alter
your physiology.

Then and only then will you begin to see significant changes
such as weight loss, stronger muscles, bones and joints, lower
blood pressure and improved cholesterol profile.

Research has shown that you need to add aerobic activity 3-5
days per week for at least 30-60 minutes to succeed with not
just weight control, but also to rev up your anti-aging enzymes
that keep you young and fit.

We’re all looking to turn back, or at least slow down, the clock -
to feel young and function youthfully regardless of our actual
age. Building and maintaining strong muscles is one of the
most effective ways to do so. And the formula for strong
muscles couldn’t be simpler: strength training for life.

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If you risk losing your health and mobility as you get older, you
risk losing your independence – and thus your dignity and all
other possessions will be rendered irrelevant. Strength training
will ensure this will never happen to you.

In many ways, an active lifestyle is like money in the bank since

it reduces medical costs, minimizes the need for long-term care
and eliminates future burdens on family, friends and society.
The greatest return is having the vigor, energy and
independence to pursue every moment to the fullest.

Consider the sobering alternative….health, mobility,

independence, self esteem - dwindling away like an aging
engine that has lost its power and strength.

You can turn the clock back - or at the very least slow it down -
in many areas of your health and well being. Are you ready to
fight the effects of aging, every step of the way?

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Note from the Author

We the Baby Boomer generation, born between the ages of 1946 and
1964 are the largest population group in history making up 25% of the
population. We have always been the generation to watch, since our
adolescence we have collectively rebelled against tradition, have made
up our own rules and placed our unique stamp on world culture.

We are hard working, have high standards and in the past century have
fueled the greatest economic expansion in the history of the world.

As we are now moving through our 40’s, 50’s and 60’s we are now faced
with the fact that we are growing older. We have seen our elderly
parents suffer, and we want to avoid getting old but we will not become
cowards in the face of aging. We want to look good, and we want to feel
good. And “good” means “young”. To meet this aim we are most
interested in health and fitness as we are aware it will help us stay

We will be different from our parents and grandparents, well for starters
we won’t tolerate being called “elderly” and have no intention “slowing
down” or “growing old gracefully” we intent to remain active, involved
and vibrant throughout our entire lifespan. We will stay true to our
generation's legacy, and will once again set trends - by redefining what it
means to get - and be -“old.”

The experts tell us we can expect to live well into our 90’s and beyond.
We can even set our sights of living to be 120 as it has been proven that
we are quite capable of this. Aging is not for sissies, so we will be the
perfect generation to lead the way and can be expected to redefine
health and fitness expectations for people in our age range.

But attaining longevity is good only if we can maintain our strength,

mobility and independence. Having to suffer through life is not the same
as living a healthy long life.

The road to 100 years is not predestined. You will not be freely given
100 years or more; you will have to earn those extra years.

© 2008 Carolyn Hansen – All Rights Reserved

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I’ve Found the Fountain of Youth – Let Me Show You Too!

In this new millennium we boomers will fuel a revolution, a revolution in

how society views aging. Instead of sitting on a chair aging quietly,
watching life go by boomers will expect to meet life’s challenges head
on, becoming stronger and more powerful through strength training

In addition to enhancing our own health and quality of life, we boomers

again have the chance to help the next generation by setting an example
of a new, active view of the aging lifestyle. Now, with this extra time we
can set our sights high – on a lower golf handicap, a ranking at the local
tennis club or a faster downhill run on the ski field. We can start a
second or third career, learn new hobbies or travel.

You can start building and regaining strength at any age. So if it has
been a while since you've worked on your strength, don't worry.
Research shows that even people who begin strength training in their
90s can gain muscle and strength in as few as eight weeks. You don't
have to lose your strength or muscle tone just because you are getting
older. As long as you continue working your muscles, they will continue
working for you, by keeping you strong, fit, and independent.

Baby Boomers and exercise do mix - the outcome is an improved quality

of life that you could scarcely imagine. Be a part of the growing group
who say - "We are fitness motivated baby boomers and exercise
program development begins with our positive mental attitude".

By submitting your name and email address when you received this free
report you will be on the Over 50 Looking 30 free subscriber list to
receive periodic newsletters, tips, strategies and new products that can
help you speed along on your personal journey to rejuvenation, strength,
youthfulness, health and longevity.

Carolyn Hansen

© 2008 Carolyn Hansen – All Rights Reserved

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