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1. Last weekend, my friends and I went to the zoo where I had my wonderful childhood.

I hadnt gone to the zoo for a long time. When I gradually grew up, I thought that the zoo only fit for children. However, last Saturday, I went to the zoo, I found that I totally mistook. Unlike theaters or KTV, it only cost little money and you can have wonderful time. I can see lots of cute animals and I can laugh, chat with friends and dont care of bothering others. Zoo fits for everyone to relax and has a good time at there. 2. Last weekend, my friends and I went to the zoo where I had my wonderful childhood. I hadnt gone there since my birthday ten years ago, so this trip really brought a lot of memories back. We saw lots of animals, and penguins attract me much. Children there all had a good time and crazy for animals. Suddenly, a tiger ran toward the glass and fell down in a swoon. Everyone rushed to see what happened. Few minutes later, the zookeeper came and tried to wake the tiger up. At the time the zookeeper tried to catch the tiger, it scratched his face with its claw. At the end, the zookeeper s face looked like a cat with beard. I like the second article much more. This article was completed by everyone and the content was much funnier than the first one. The story includes much more fun, unlike the first one. Because these reasons, I prefer the second article than the first one.

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