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I’ve often

that life is like
a roll of
toilet tissue.
The closer it
to the end,
the faster it

I come here to shit and stink,

But all I do is sit and stink.

And here I sit, broken hearted

Couldn’t shit, but only farted.

Some come here to sit and think,

Some come here to shit and stink.

Often I come here to scratch my

And read all the bullshits on the
Pasted on wall where urinals are installed:

Courteous Reminder:
If your pipe is short and
your pump is faulty,
stand closer to the
urinal to prevent your
leak dripping the floor !
Notices like below are seen
pasted in male toilets

“Our aim to keep the toilet

Your aim will help.”

“Stand closer, it may be shorter

than you think !”

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