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All officers / staff will be proved against him or against them late in the presence of the following rules must
be consistent salary will be cut.

The complaint against the delay time can be proved to be the initial warnings as to his salary not
exceeding tk. 300 will be cut.

Hereupon the said officer / employee attendance is satisfactory if the improvements do
not appear to be secondary to his or warnings as to their salary not exceeding Rs 500 will
be cut.

That does not appear to improve their attendance is satisfactory if the 3-day delay can be cut to
pay for a 1 day Basic samaparimana.

No objections will be considered acceptable in this regard.
Countdown to the delay of each officer / employee leaving work days prior periods will be brought into consideration.
/ , /

Any officer / employee to be pay if the delay in the presence of three or more times to be cut in to pay, then the
said officer / employee to complete an assessment of the performance of his or their action against the final sentence will
be based.

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