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Tropical and sub-tropical grasslands ranging from dry scrublands to wet, open woodland In Asia and Africa and South America

Savanna climate
Short Rainy seasons (3 months in Africa)
Up to 150 cm of rain per year Most during heavy thunderstorms

Long seasons of drought

Savanna vegetation

Must be resistant to drought, fire, and grazing Runners long horizontal stems above ground that aid in reproduction spread quickly Rhizomes horizontal roots underground that are protected from fire Tufts large clumps of tall, coarse grasses Trees and shrubs have thorns or sharp leaves to protect from being eaten Most vegetation grows rapidly

Savanna animals
Concentrated around watering holes Vertical feeding patterns animals eat vegetation at different heights
Allows for more animals to survive on limited resources Decreases competition for food

Migrating animals migrate to water rather than away from temperature Lions, cheetahs, elephants, giraffe, wildebeest, zebras, antelope, etc.

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