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Floppy-Eared Bunny

Instruction Sheet Materials needed:

1. 2. 3. 4. choice of papers glue or glue stick scissors markers or crayons chalk - optional glitter glue pen optional pipe cleaners- optional Enlarge pattern to desired size. Cut out all pattern pieces in your choice of colors. Lay the head/face piece flat, large side down Use the glue stick to attach the nose. Generally, the nose should go in the center, where the small part of the head meets the large part, but dont be afraid to be creative! Add it where you think it should go! Draw an appropriate mouth, leaving a spot for the teeth below the mouth. Add whiskers with thin strips of construction paper or with pipe cleaners. Decide if your bunny will have a hair bow or a bow tie, and attach appropriately. Add the flop ears to the top of your bunny. For extra fun, consider adding eye lashes, pink cheeks and ear center colors with glitter glue pens or chalk!

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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