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Revolutions call for a change in the political, economic, and social realm.

Often lead by the working class, revolutions occur to change the old and outdated power and increase the separation and distribution of a government. The domino effect of taking down the French monarchy and beginning the revolution stemmed from the Seven Years War, but more specifically the American Revolution, both of which cause economic and social issues. The American Revolution, beginning in 1776, was supported by the most powerful and populace nation in Europe at the time, France (Roberts). Sending money, supplies, and men, the Revolution was fully endorsed by the French monarchy in order to ruin Great Britain. The French monarchys endorsement of the American Revolution destroyed the French economy, more specifically the Third Estate. Under the clergy of the First Estate and nobles of the Second Estate, the Third Estate included merchants, lawyers, doctors, farmers, and peasants who were all neglected by their monarch and government in such a desperate time (Roberts). The Third Estate, being exposed to the Enlightenment and the ideals of the American Revolution, being constantly oppressed and neglected by their absolute and corrupt monarch, ill-represented, undersupplied, and tired of the Old Regime feudalism, rose up against their government, calling for equality and representation. The uprising born of this time was unorganized and unprepared for the upcoming events that have, since then, shaped France as a nation. Had the monarchy been stronger and less corrupt, as well as all Estates being represented equally and had the new ideals of the time had not been so easily spread, the revolutionaries would have no reason to be rise up and call for justice in their country. However, change was occurring and the beliefs the revolution was based on were misguided causing the outcome of the revolution to be nowhere near the original goals presented by the Enlightenment and the American Revolution making the revolution detrimental to the further stability of the nation, making the revolution an overall failure and unjustifiable.

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