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Birds. Places. Minerals or Metrals. Stones. Weathere Winds. Orbe. Yeers. Coutttries. Angele ‘Day of the weekes Nattice Colour in the Element. Motion. Latitude, 72 Az IntroduStion to Aftrologie. The Eagle, the Cock, the Phoenix, Nightingale, Pecock, the Swan,cthe Buzzard,the flye Cantharis,the Gofhawke, Houfes, Courts of Princes, Pallaces, Theators,all magnifi- cent Stru@ures being clear and decent, Hals, Dining-Rooms, Amongft the Elements @ hath dominion of fire and cleere fhining flames,over mettals he ruleth Gold. The Hyacinth,Chrifolite, Adamant, Carbuncle, the Etites hone found in Eagles nefts, the Pantaureif fach a fone be the uby. He produceth weather according to the feafonsin theSpring gentle moyfting Showers; in the Summer heat in extremity if with #: in Autum mitts ; in Winter finall Rainc. He loves the Eaft part of the World; and that winde which proceeds from that quarter. _ Is 15. degrees before any afpetts and fo many after fepara- uuons In age he raleth youth, or when Oneisat the ftrongeft ; his greatelt yeers are 14.60. greater 120. mean 69-lealt 19. Tealy, Sicilia, Bohemia and the fourth Climate,Phenicia, Chaldea. Michael. He ruleth Sunday the firkt houre thereof, and the eight 5 and innumbers the firft and fourth ; andin conceptions the fourth moneth, His Vriends are all the Planets except h 5 who is his Enemy. Cuap, XII, Of tbe Planet Venus and ber feverall fignifications and natures Feer the Sunne fucceedeth Venus ; whois fometimes cal. led Cytherea, Aphrodite, Phofphoros, DefperugosEricina, She is of a bright fhining colour,and is well known amongtt the vulgar by the name of the evening Starre or Heperds 3 and that is when fhe appeares after the Sunnc is fet : common peo- Je call her the morning Starre, and the learned Lucifer, when the is feen long before the rifing of the Sunne: her meane mo- tion is 59. min. and & feconds: her diurnall motion is fome- times An Introdattion to AStrologic. 73 times 62. min. a day 64.65.66, or 70.74.76. minutes ; but 82. . min. the never exceedeth ; het greateft North or South lari- Latitade. tude is nine degr. and cwo min,in Febrwary 1643. fhe had eight degr.and 36 min. for her North latitude. She hath & and * for her houfes, fhe is exaltedin 27 5 Honfes, the receivech detriment in ‘Vand ™, and hath her fal in 27 ™®. She governeth the Earthly Triplicicy by day viz. es Te vp; Triplicity. fhe is two dayes ftationary before retrogradation , and fo many before direétion , and doth ufually continue retrograde 42 dayes, She hath thefe degrees in every Sign for her Terms. Her Terms. InV, 789 torr 1213 14. Ind ,12345678. In 1, 151617 18 1920. In , 21 22 23 2425 26 27, Indl, 14 15 161718 19. In ,8 91011 1213. In™, 789 to1L. In™, 15 161718 192021. Inf, gto1t 1213 14, Inw,123456. In 13 1415 161718 19 20, In ¥ 12345678. Thefe degrees are allowed for her Face, In V, 21 22 23.24 25 26 27 28 29 30, In® , 12345678910. In®, 11121315 161718 19 20, In™, 21 22 23 24.25 26 28 29 30. InX, 12345678910, She is a Feminine Planet , temperately Cold and Moylt, Elemesr, Nodturnal , the lefler Fortune, authorof Mirch and Jolicy ; Avarure. the Elements , che Ayre and Water are Venerial ; inthe Hu- poms » Flegme with Blood , with the Spiric and Genital feed. She figniffes a quier man , not given to Law , Quarrel or Afanners & Wrangling , not Vicious , Pleafant ; Neat and Spruce , loving quality when K Mirch, weil placed. When ill. Corporature. Oricntall, Occidestall, Qualities of aren and prom felfion. 74 An Introduttion to AStrologie. Mirth in his words and actions, cleanly in Apparel, rather Drinking much then Glattonous, prone to Venery, oft en- tangled in Love-matters, Zealous in their affections, Muficall, delighting in Baths, and all honelt merry Meetings, or Maskes and Stage-playes, eafie of Beliefe, and not given to Labour, or take any Pains,a Company-keeper,Cheerful nothing Miftruft- ful,a right vertuous Man or Woman,oft had in fome Jealoufie, yet no caufe for it. Then he is Riotous, Expenfive, wholly given to Loofneffe and Lewd companies of Women, nothing regarding his Repu- tation, coveting unlawful Beds, Inceftuous, an Adulterer, Fan. taftical, a meer Skip-jack, of no Faith, no Repuce, no Credit ; {pending his Meanes in Ale houfes, Taverns, and amongft Scandalous, Loofe people; a meer Lazy companion, nothing careful of the things of this Life, cr any thing Religious; a meer Acheilt and aatural man. Aman of faire, but not tall Stature, his Complexion be- ing white,tending to alittle darkneffe, which makes him more Lovely; very fair Lovely Eyes,and a little black; a roundFacey, and not large, faire Haire, {mooth, and plenty of it, and it ufually of a light browne colour, a lovely Mouth and cherry Lips, the Face pretty fefhy, a rolling wandring Eye, a Body very delightfull, lovely and exceeding well fhaped, one deft- rous of Trimming and making himfelf neat and compleat both in Cloaths and Body, a love dimple in his Cheeks, a ftedfaft Eye, and full of amarous enticements. When Oriental! the Body inclines to talneffe, ora kind of apright Rraightneffe in Perfon, not corpulent or very tall, but neatly compofed. A right Venerian perfon, is fuch as we fay, isa pretty, compleat, handfome Man or Woman. When the is Occidental, the Man is of more {hort ftature, yet key decent and comely in Shape and Forme, well liked of ali, Mufitions, Gamefters, Silk-men, Mercers, Linnen-Drapers, Painters, Jewellers,Players,Lapidacies, mbroiderers, Women- tailors, Wives,Mothers, V irgins,Chorilters,Fidlers, Pipers, whé joyned with the » Ballad- fingers, Pecfumers, Semfters,Pidture- drawers, Gravers, Upholditers, Limners, Glovers, all fuch as Lt An IntroduGion to ASfrologie. 75 fell thofe Commodities which adorne Women, either in Body (as Cloaths) or in Face, (2s Complexion-waters.) Difeafes by her fignified, are principally in the Matrix and Sickneffe. members of Generation 3 in the reines, belly, backe, navill and chofe parts;the Gonorrea or running of theReines,French or Spanifh Pox 5 any difeafe arifing by inordinate Tuft. Prih- pifme, impotency in generation, Hernias,&e. the Diabetes or pifling difeate. In colours fhe fignifieth White, or milky Skie colour mixed Savears with browne, or a little Greene. In Savours the delights in colours. that which is pleafant and toothfome; ufvally in moyft and fweet,or what is very delectable ; in fmels what is undtious and Avomaticall, and incites to wantonneffe. Myrtle alwayes greenc ; all hearbs which fhe governeth have Herbs and a fweet favour,a pleafant {mell,a white flower ; of a gentle hu- Plants. mour,whofe leaves are fmooth and not jagged. She governeth the Lilly white and yellow, and the Lilly of the valley,and of the water. The Satyrion or Cuckoe pintle, Maidenhaire, Vi- olet ; the whice and yellow Daffadil. Sweet Apples, the white Rote, the Fig,the white Sycamores Trees. wilde Ath, Turpentine-tree, Olive, fweet Oringes, Mugwort, Ladies-mantle, Sanicle, Balme, Vervin, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerian, Thyme,Ambre, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Coriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricocks, Plums, Rai- fons. The Hart, the Paather, fmall cattle, Coney, the Calfe, the Beafts. Goat. Stockdove, Wagtayle, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, Birds. the Thruth,Pellican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feedin, on Grapes ; the Wren,Eagle, the Swan,the Swallow,the Owfel or Black bird, the Pye. The Dolphin. Fifbere Gardens, Fountaines, Bride-chambers,fai re lodgings, Beds, Places. Hangings, Dancing-Schooles, Wardrobes* Copper, efpecially the Corinthian and White; Braffe, all Metals an Latten ware. Minerals. Cornelian,the Sky-colour’d Saphyre, white and red Coral, Stones, Margalite, Alablatter, Lapis lazuli becaufe it expels Melancho- ly, the Berill, Chrifolite. K2 Sea Winde and Weather. Orbe. Yeers. Conntries. Angel. Day of the week, Name. Coloxr, Latitude. Honfe. Triplicity. Terms. 76 Ax Introduttion to Aftrologie. She governeth the Souch-winde being hot and moyft ; in the temperament of the Ayre , fhe ruleth che Erefia;(he foretelleth in Summer,Serenity or cleer weather ; in Winter,rain or fnow. Her Orbe is 7, before and after any afpect of hers, Her greare(t yeers are 151. her grearer 82. her mean q5. her leaft 8. In Man fhe governeth Youth from 14, co 28, Arabia, Auftria,Campania,Vitnna,Polonia the greater, Turing, Parthia, Media, Cyprus, anu the fix climate, Her Angel is efnael. . Her day of the week Friday , of which fhe rules the firlt and eight houre; and in conception the fife Monch. Her Friends are all the Planets except h. CHAP, XIII. Of Mercury, and his fignification, nature and property. E iscalled Hermes, Stilbon, Cyllenius, eArchas. Mercury is che leaft of all che Planets , never diftant from the Sun above 27. degrees 5 by which reafon he is feldom vifible to our fight : He is of a dusky filver colour ; his mean motion is 59. min. and 8. feconds ; bur he is fometimes fo fwift that be moveth one degree and 40. min. in a day, never more ; fo that you are not co matvaile if you finde him fometimes goe 66. 68. 70. 80. 86. oF 100. in aday : he is Stationary one cay, and retrograde 24. dayes. His grearelt Souch Laticude is 3. degr. 35. min, His greateft Norch Lan. is 3. deg. 33. min. He. hath mF and 2 for bis Houfes , and is exalted in the rs of ™% : he receives detrimentin ¢ and % , his fal is in *. He rulech the aery ttipliciry by night, oz, 1 =e, He hath thefe degrees in every Sign for his Terms, InV, 1516 1718192021, InS, giorr 41213 I4 15. Ind, 1234567. In®, 1415 161718 19 20, InSt, 7891011 1213. Int®, 1234567. In

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