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Assessment of Employee Depression Symptoms of Employee Depression Prevalence(1=low ; 4=high) 1.

Employees dont feel recognized or appreciated for the work that they do. 2. Employees lament about how good work used to be. 3. Employees feel that no matter how much they do, it is never enough. 4. Employees feel unable to control the amount or quality of work they are asked to do. 5. Employees feel that their bosses are out of touch with or dont care about the realities they face. 6. Employees are embarrassed or reluctant to talk about personal issues at work. 7. Employees are short-tempered and argue over trivial issues. 8. Employee morale is low 9. Employees spend more time thinking about protecting their own careers than serving customers. 10. Employees dont have fun at work and talk about how difficult work is. 11. Employees find it difficult to make commitments to getting work done 12. Employees dont know how to celebrate their successes. 13. Employees talk about being burned out by stress and pressure. 14. Employees feel that their lives are out of balance. 15. Employees fee that they have little chance of real career progression.

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