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Mid Term examination Subject: Management Information System Times: 3 hours Full marks: 100 SET 1 1) What is communication

protocol? Why it is important? 2) What is management information system? Discuss the component of Information System. 3) Differentiate between IT and IS with example. 4) Why it is necessary for a manager to possess the knowledge of MIS? Discuss. 5) Differentiate between Software upgrade and software update. 6) What is application software? Define different types of application software. 7) Define some emerging information technology. 8) Discuss the value of information. 9) What is CAD and why is it important tool? 10) Discuss the important careers related with information technology.

Mid Term examination Subject: Management Information System Hours: 3 Full marks: 100 SET 2 1) What is communication media? Discuss the different types of communication media. 2) Discuss the component of Information system. 3) What is system software, discuss different example of system software and what is system support and system control? 4) Discuss the value of information. 5) Differentiate between IT and IS. 6) Differentiate between Software upgrade and software update. 7) What is CAD and why is it important tool? 8) What is Programming Language? Define High Level Programming Language. 9) Differentiate between Horizontal and Vertical Software. 10) What is the significance of MIS in management or managers? Discuss.

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