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The solution is Narayan - 55 years old Mehra - 51 years old Ojha - 46 years old Patel - 37 years old Lalwani

- 30 years old Detailed Solution Consider the statement Narayan said to Lalwani: "I'm ten years older than you." If Narayan was younger than Lalwani, he would have to tell the truth which contr adicts the statement. So, Narayan is really older than Lalwani, he would have to lie and hence the sta tement is false. Now going by the same context the statement Narayan said to Lalwani: "Mehra is younger than Ojha." is false. Hence Mehra is older than Ojha. Now consider the statement Ojha said to Mehra: "I'm nine years older than Patel ." This must be true. So Ojha is older than Patel. Then consider the statement Patel said to Mehra: "I'm seven years older than La lwani." This also must be true. So Patel is older than Lalwani. Now consider Mehra said to Narayan: "Patel is younger than you." & Narayan sai d to Ojha: "The difference between our ages is six years." If Mehra was older than Narayan, the first statement would be false and Patel & Ojha will be older than Narayan which makes the second one to be true but the di fference between Patel & Ojha's age is itself nine years and hence contradicts t he second statement. So, Mehra was younger than Narayan, which makes the first statement true and the seond statement false. Till now we have the order of the five people according to age. From oldest to youngest..... Narayan...Mehra...Ojha...Patel...Lalwani Hence the statement Mehra said to Narayan: "The difference between your age and Ojha's is the same as the difference between Ojha's and Patel's." must be true. Combining all the true facts, the difference in ages are as follows till now Narayan Mehra Ojha - Narayan+9 years Patel - Narayan+18 years Lalwani - Narayan+25 years Consider the statement Lalwani said to Mehra: "Your age is exactly 70% greater than mine." This must be true. The difference in Lalwani and Mehra's age can be between 16 a nd 25. For it to be exactly 70%, Lalwani's age should be 30 and difference betwe en him and Mehra should be 21. Combining all these facts the final ages are calculated. Narayan - 55 years old

Mehra - 51 years old Ojha - 46 years old Patel - 37 years old Lalwani - 30 years old

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