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Hindu Predictive Astrology

Satya Sarada Kandula

This document is a collection of my articles on Hindu Predictive Astrology Table of Contents

Hindu Predictive Astrology.................................................................................................1 Astrological Tip : Maximum Duration of any bad or good bhuktis....................................6 Astrological Tip : How to identify your present dasa, bhukti..............................................8 Astrological Tip : Rahu........................................................................................................8 Astrological Tips : Daana, Puja, Manidharana, Adhyayana................................................9 Astrological Tip : For different dasas, bhuktis and sukshma dasas...............................12 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra...............................................................................................12 Vimsottari Dasas for Sri Rama..........................................................................................14 Nakshatradhipatis from Vedic deities to Grahas, after Valmikis Ramayana...................15 Nakshatras based Gifts as per the Mahabharata................................................................16

Hindu Predictive Astrology

Copyright Notice: All Rights reserved. Satya Sarada Kandula. Originally published in geocities in Aug 2006.

Why I selected Hindu Predictive Astrology. I wanted to study predictive astrology as opposed to the personality astrology. Event predictions may be proved or disproved. But personality traits may be claimed if they are flattering and rejected otherwise. This is why I studied Hindu Predictive Astrology.
Newspaper Astrology Predictions based on Transits. Most newspapers allow you to select your sun sign based on your date of birth alone. The predictions are based on where the planets are today and how they might affect people who were born under different sun signs. I followed newspaper predictions for 1 year, based on both the sun signs indicated by my date of birth and moon signs (explained later). They did not match up with what actually happened. I also made predictions for myself based on transits using rules given by Dhundiraj. They did not match up with actuality either. Predictions based on Natal Charts. Millions of people share ones sun sign or moon sign. However since no one shares the exact time and place of ones birth the natal horoscope is unique. So I decided to see if the events of my life

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Hindu Predictive Astrology

Satya Sarada Kandula

would bear out the predictions based on the planetary positions in my natal horoscope. I found there were many false astrologers and many incompetent ones. Several had vested interests and some were too gentle to say things as they were. So I decided that I would study the field myself. I began studying astrology in 1998-99 and learnt to do my own horoscope. Later, I checked the horoscopes of family, friends and some clients. I found a good correlation between natal horoscope predictions and life events in my horoscope and in the horoscopes of my family members and clients. I was able to predict when the data given to me was innacurate, for example: if the time of birth was off by a few hours. In some cases where I knew the individuals well but had never seen their natal horoscope, I was able to accurately predict significant features of their natal horoscope. What is in a Natal Chart. A natal chart, gives the time, place and date of birth as per the Hindu calendar. It gives the position and direction (forward or retrograde) of the 9 Grahas.(Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). Clearly a graha can be a star, a satellite, a planet, a node or an anti-node. There are 27 contellations (nakshatras)of interest, grouped into 12 zodiac signs. Each constellation has 4 quarters (padas). So there are 9 quarters per zodiac sign. The position is given by the name and the quarter of the star constellation that the graha is in line with. The natal chart also has a drawing with boxes or triangles marking the different zodiac signs and showing the location of the 9 grahas in them. In addition it marks the Ascendant or Lagna. The Lagna Rasi is the zodiac sign that is rising in the east at the time of birth. If you cannot get a proper astrologer to do up your horoscope, there are books available with instant charts, at least in Telugu. You could also search for free Vedic Charts on the internet. Sun signs, moon signs.. any graha signs. To be born under a sun or a moon sign means that, at the time you were born, the sun or moon were in line with that specific set of stars or constellations. For example, at the time of my birth, the moon was in Dhanus Rasi (Sagittarius). More specifically, it was the closest to the fourth quarter (pada) of Poorvashada. (delta sagittarii). So my moon sign is Sagittarius. The sun was in line with the fourth quarter of Uttara (Denebola 4). This belongs to Kanya Rasi (Virgo). How do I explain all this? I think all of us are born with a life plan.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

When I say we I mean our souls (atma = self). I think we exist before our birth and that our existence on the earth has the specific advantage of time-space separation. In some places in the universe, such as black holes or example, all time and all space occur at the same point. Our natal horoscope reflects our plan and schedule. There are definite things that we must see, learn, experience or do. But we also have some flexibility. We can connect to divinity, ask for and make changes. This is prayer. To me the ever-changing graha positions represent the ticking of a cosmic clock. You accept an earthly body at a particular time, with a plan to give it up at a particular time. Like getting on a merry go round. Wilfully destroying your body may not guarantee that your soul can get off this merry-go-round. And just as you might plan to wake up at 6, lunch at 12 and sleep at 9 on one day, your life plan indicates at what times you will study, marry and die and so on. In my case, everything that I must do next comes as a strong impulse from within. When I checked with my horoscope I saw that the events were planned, but my experience was as if all my life events were in response to strong internal impulses. I do not believe that grahas cause what happens to us any more than a clock causes you to eat 12. If you can interpret your natal horoscope, and you can look at the current graha positions to know what time it is now, your mind can have a fair estimate of what your soul has planned for that time. Some minds are less distressed if they know what to expect and how long it will last. Astrological predictions help those minds. I do not believe that grahas maybe influenced by wearing lucky stones or doing special prayers. But I do believe that your mind can be influenced by wearing stones and that doing prayers will help your mind communicate with your soul and with the ultimate soul. In that sense you may alter your experience of life events or change your life plan itself. You may change not just your future, but your present and past as well. Navaratnas: precious stones. I have worn different kinds of stones for different durations and this is how they made me feel. Pearls make me feel peaceful and romantic. Diamonds make me feel powerful, agitated and confident of victory over my enemies. Gomedhikam makes me feel a great inner peace. I felt that wearing a blue sapphire resulted in material losses and that a yellow sapphire resulted in material gains. Cats Eyes resulted in foreign travel. I like pearls best.

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Hindu Predictive Astrology

Satya Sarada Kandula

Pearls And Corals Each of the stones mentioned above is associated with a different graha. Interestingly, I bought all my precious stones near the same period and I lost of all of them during another period. I did not lose them on purpose or as the result of an impulse. But I did not care when I did. I thought it was something good. I have heard from others that stones affect how they feel. Some said that wearing a ring with all 9 stones, turned luck in their favour. But many who have worn large single stones desiring definite results have reported no results except money spent. Dhundiraj says that it is important to gift stones, clothes etc dear to the grahas for positive effects and not to wear them. Most people dont like to make such costly presents to others. People who believe in astrology will not accept any gifts easily. Some brahmins near temples will accept gifts if you pay them. I had a bath at papanasanam near thirupathi and made token gifts to brahmins there. My mind definitely felt freer and better. Interpretations The Lagna Rasi or Janma Lagna is counted as the first house. It is the sign that contains the ascendant. All the grahas except Rahu and Ketu normally pass though the zodiac signs in the direction from Mesha (Aries) to Meena (Pisces). Budha (Mercury), Sukra (Venus), Guru (Jupiter), Sani (Saturn) and Kuja (Mars), can go forward or backward (retrograde) or vakra. They can go fast or slow. This does not imply that the grahas are changing their speeds. It means that, relative to the zodiac signs, that is how they appear to move, when viewed from the earth. They also appear to go up and down over the months and each graha has a zodiac sign in which they appear to be high (uccha) or down (neecha). Retrograde grahas are generally good for one. Each graha indicates some qualities of life. For example, the Sun (Ravi) is the Atma karaka. Depending on the suns position and strength as per your natal chart, you can make predictions regaring your health, your nature and your father. The moons position will describe your mind and mother, Jupiters location will indicate your education, wealth, sons, Mercury indicates intelligence and communication, Saturn indicates fate or karma, Mars indicates your fighting spirit, Venus indicates all manner of comforts and your vengeful nature, Rahu indicates Maya or illusion and Ketu indicates knowledge and salvation.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

Each zodiac sign has an owner or owners. For example, Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo. So they indicate the corresponding qualities of life. In addition, each zodiac sign has a house number, with respect to the janma lagna. Each house number indicates a quality of life. For eg 1 is the Thanu Sthana or the body place. 2 is the dhana sthana (wealth), 3 is for brothers, 4 is for mother, 5 is for sons, 6 is for enemies, 7 is for spouses, 8 is for longevity, 9 for father, 10 for job, 11 for profit and 12 for loss. Grahas in the 4th quarter of a nakshatra are troubled. Grahas in the mid-points of the Rasis (zodiac signs) are stronger than when they are at the edges of the zodiac signs. Grahas are natural friends or enemies of each other for example Jupiter and Venus do not get along. They further influence each other by line of sight, angle and direction. They are less powerful in the houses of their enemies and most powerful in their own houses or houses of their friends. In certain positions relative to each other they may become, temporary friends or neutral to each other. When they come together they may destroy each others influence or enhance it. Or create a special kind of union or yoga, which creates great benefits or terrible times. Some grahas are generally classified as benefics and some as malefics. Depending on your Janmalagna (the sign of your ascendant), different grahas are classified as benefic, neutral or malefic w.r.t. you. This gives some indication of all the different things that an astrologer must think of when they look at your horoscope. If you meet them in person, they get a lot of extra clues. If you are tall, they think of a strong jupiter, intelligent and communicative, they think of a strong mercury. If you are surrounded by material comforts of all kinds, they think of a period ruled by venus. Looking at you in person, reduces the need for some complicated calculations. Knowing some key details of your past also helps them validate some of their assumptions and to make some timing corrections. Timing Even if your natal chart indicates wealth or comfort, you may not have it every minute of your life. There will be a time for siblings, a time for marriage, a time for education, a time for power and so on. There are a total of nine major periods or dasas in your life, indicated by the 9 grahas. Together they cover 120 lunar years. The ruler of your Janma Nakshatra (the stars closest to the moon at the time of your birth) determine which dasa you start with. Your longevity determines which dasa you end with.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

Each dasa has a different duration. Ravi Dasa is 6 lunar years long, Chandra is 10, Kuja 7, Rahu 18, Guru 16, Sani 19, Budha 17, Ketu 7 and Sukra 20. The moon takes around 24 hours (more or less) to cover a nakshatra. If the moon takes 28 hours to cover Poorvashada nakshatra (ruled by Sukra), and you are born 14 hours after the moon entered Poorvashada, then half of that dasa is over at birth. You start with 10 years of Sukra dasa left, followed by 6 of Ravi and so on. If your longevity is 80 years, you will never see Kethu and Budha dasas. Each dasa is further classified into 9 bhukthis each.. The first bhukthi of each dasa is ruled by the dasa lord itself., and from then on in that sequence. The first bhukthi of Ravi dasa is Ravi bhukthi and its duration is (6/120)*6 lunar years. (A lunar year is 360 days long.) Ravi Bhukthi is followed by Chandra bhukthi which is (6/120)*6 lunar years long. Suppose Mars is strong in your horoscope. Then your fighting spirit is at its peak during Kuja Dasa and Kuja Bhukthi. Suppose your 7th house (Spouse) is empty, Venus is in its neecha rasi and close enough to the sun to be combust ie not to be seen. And suppose your Sukra dasa is over in your infancy. Chances are that you are not going to see much of conjugal bliss. If the moon is close to Kethu, then during your Chandra and Kethu Dasas, your mind may be dominated by a thirst for knowledge and salvation. Conclusion Going back to your life-plan model, you were born with an idea (sankalpam) to learn, see, do, achieve certain things in this life to certain extents, at certain times. You equipped yourself with a certain qualities like intellect, generosity, beauty and so forth. You chose a certain setting for your birth, wealth, education, love etc. You are here to execute, and you will, irrespective of whether your mind and body would rather be doing other things. You can modify your original life-plan through prayer. You can fulfil your original life-plan through your effort. This is what I think. This what I have understood. Satya Sarada Kandula. Aug 6th 2006.

Astrological Tip : Maximum Duration of any bad or good bhuktis.

Posted by satyask on February 8, 2010 This is based on my understanding of the Vimsottara Dasa System as explained by Sri B.V. Raman in his books.

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Hindu Predictive Astrology

Satya Sarada Kandula

A lifespan of 120 luni-solar years (of 360 days each), is divided into phases or dasas, named after the navagrahas. After 120 years, the dasas repeat. The dasas are of different durations. The Longest Dasa (State) is the Sukra (Venus) Dasa which lasts for 20 years. Each dasa is divided again into 9 bhukthis named after each of the grahas. To get the duration of a bhukthi, take the dasa duration of that graha, divide it by 120 and multiply it by the duration of the given dasa. For eg to get the duration of the sukra bhukthi of the sukra dasa., 20/120 * 20 = 20/6 = 10/3 = 3.333 years. This is the longest bhukthi duration. The shortest bukthi is Ravi Bhukthi of Ravi dasa. 6/120 * 6 = 6/20 = 3/10 = 0.3 years. So the minimum duration of a bhukthi is 3.6 months and the max duration is 3.33 years. That bhukthi may have good, bad, or mixed results for one, but it will change after the given duration. If you are in a great bhukthi enjoy yourself but know that it will last for not more than 3.33 years. If you are in a miserable bhukti take heart that it will not last for more than 3.33 years. Duration in years and Sequence of Dasas :

Ravi 6 years Chandra 10 years Kuja 7 years Rahu 18 years Guru 16 years Sani 19 years Budha 17 years Ketu 7 years Sukra 20 years

Caution : It is my personal belief that there is truth in the vimsottara dasa system. I have only subjective and anecdotal data for this, not exhaustive data. I have not conducted any large scale

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Satya Sarada Kandula

controlled experiments nor used any scientific method. the information is being shared for those who want to know.

Astrological Tip : How to identify your present dasa, bhukti.

Posted by satyask on February 11, 2010 Your jataka chakram (natal chart) will specify your janmanakshatram. Find the graha nakshatradhipati of your jamnanakshatram to get the name of the graha whose dasa is ongoing at the time of your birth. Seenakshatram. A fraction of this dasa is over at your birth. Since the moon appears to be in front of a region governed by each nakshatras for a day approximately, the time the moon has spent with this nakshatram divided by the total time it is going to spend with that nakshatram gives you the elapsed dasa fraction. eg Suppose, the moon is due to spend 24 hours in Purvashada and has already spent 6 hours there. 6/24 is the fraction of the dasa already over. Purvashada graha nakshatradhi pati is Sukra. Sukra dasa lasts for a total of 20 years. Out of this 6/24 * 20 = 5 years is already over at birth. 15 years of Sukra dasa remain. 15 years is called dasa sesha at birth. Many jataka chakrams also give the dasa sesha. This will be followed 6 years of Ravi etc in the cycle. Based on your age and the method given in this post : Astrological Tip : Maximum Duration of any bad or good bhuktis. you can calculate your present dasa and bhukthi. Caution : It is my personal belief that there is truth in the vimsottara dasa system. I have only subjective and anecdotal data for this, not exhaustive data. I have not conducted any large scale controlled experiments nor used any scientific method. the information is being shared for those who want to know.

Astrological Tip : Rahu

Posted by satyask on September 1, 2009

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Hindu Predictive Astrology

Satya Sarada Kandula

Rahu, is a shadowy graha or the moons node. Those born under a nakshatra for which Rahu is the Adhipati or those who are running Rahu Dasa or Rahu Bhukthi, tend to chase illusory goals (fame, money, glamour, position) etc as opposed to God and Salvation. They are generally not peaceful and have some troubles. A prayer to Devi helps them a lot. I usually advise them to say the following prayer : yA dEvI sarva bhUtEshu sarva lOkEshu samsthitA, namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai namO namah. I bow to that Devi (divine feminine) which is there in all things and all worlds. It restores the faith and focus of the individual. They have confirmed that it has helped them. Disclaimer : Since it has to do with faith, I can offer no proof or logic. If you wish, you may try it. If it helps you, you may continue. Some people also find relief wearing a gomedhika stone in a silver ring. I just wanted to share it. I hope it helps someone. Authorship and Copyright Notice : All Rights Reserved : Satya Sarada Kandula

Astrological Tips : Daana, Puja, Manidharana, Adhyayana

Posted by satyask on January 20, 2010 Puja :

With a pure and concentrated mind think of your Ishta Daivam, tell Him/Her/That your fears and wishes and ask for their help. Rituals are optional and are beneficial to the extent of attaining that pure concentrated mind. For those suffering from the illusory effects of Rahu : Devi Puja has worked the best in what I have seen. o See: Astrological Tip : Rahu This has no known side-effects. (Exception : a poor lady spent a lot of money on an expensive ritual that she could not afford and ended up cursing the astrologer.)

Daana : With a pure heart

To some worthy person or children or orphans or elders or strangers, based on your ability, please donate,

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Satya Sarada Kandula

drinking water, food, clothes, medicine, useful articles, toys some knowledge, books, education.. some service : give up your seat in a bus, help someone pickup a load, clean some area, throw trash in a dustbin, .. all the way to Baba Amte levels of service take care of a garden, roadside plant..

All these are essentially generate punyam See also :

Mani Dharana :

Different gems are prescribed for different situations. As an individual, I feel the effects of different gems. But there is no uniform experience. In some cases it is a waste of money and contra-indicative. o See corresponding section in : Hindu Predictive Astrology People are also not clear whether to please the malefics or to strengthen the benefics. Some people have benefited from wearing navaratnas and some are strongly against it. Quality, size, timing etc are also issues. Proceed with caution.

TirthaYatra, Tirtha Snana :

I have been enormously benefited by this and so have many others. o See Papanasanam I have not heard of any negative side-effects. Many people are also thrilled with the sight-seeing benefit. I have not heard of any failed cases. This requires expense and physical effort as well as time. All these earn punyam as well as destroy papam.

Adhyayana :

You may study the Gita, Ramayana etc.

Benefits of Reading the Gita The benefits of reading the Gita, according to the Gita itself, are:

1. Freedom from fear and sorrow 2. Attaining Visnu Padam (the state of Vishnu, the omnipresent preserver.) 3. When done together with Pranayama (breath-control exercises), sins of even past births are cleared. 4. It destroys Samsaramala, the dirt/waste that sticks to one by living in the world. 5. There is no re-birth for the reader.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

There is a book called Prarthana Tarangini, which gives the benefits of reading the different chapters of the Gita. I tried it. It works but in a different way from what you might expect. The benefits of reading different chapters, according to the Prarthana Tharingini (prayer book) are as follows:

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

2: Karya Siddhi: Success in work 3: Easy Delivery of a baby 4: Good Children 5: Success of good deeds 6: All good things 7: Good marriage of child 8: Removal of sorrow 9: Removal of disease 10: Removal of poverty 11: Driving away ghosts 12: Increasing devotion 13: Self Realisation 14: Removal of family conflicts 16: Removal of ill-fame, insults and suspicion 17: Eliminating problems brought on by planetary problems 18: Removal of mental problems and sadness.

Bhagavad Nama Smarana :

Saying Rama, Rama or Harih Om or Jai Bajrang Bali, or Siva, Siva, or Hare Krishna etc, is easy and recommended highly by Hindu Religious Organisations. No known side effects. Personally tried, tested and rely on Rama, Rama, Rama. (3 times)

Prayaschittam :

Introspect honestly and look for what you did that may have earned this karma. The moment you understand your error, that problem will go away. Introspect and see if there is a special lesson or skill that the Paramatma wants you to get and that you are not sensing. The moment you understand the lesson, that problem will go away. After that forgive yourself and with a clean consciousness (chitta), move forward. Rituals are optional, but they may aid the process.

Sri Krishnarpanam! Disclaimer :

This is not based on logic or on detailed experimentation. It does not claim to be science or scientific. It contains personal, subjective, truths.

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It is based on the subjective personal experiences of people known to me, including myself. It is influenced by my reading and understanding of the sastras. You may try it if you want or not try it if you dont want. I will/can neither explain nor defend it. The intention is to help someone who wants such help.

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Astrological Tip : For different dasas, bhuktis and sukshma dasas

Posted by satyask on February 20, 2010 Reference : gantala panchangamu : relangi tangirala : 1998 1999 : pg 117 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ravi rudrabhishekam chandra durgapuja kuja subrahmanyeswara guru namakam sani sivapooja budha vishnupuja ketu suryaradhana sukra laksmipuja

For those undergoing any period, named after sani, I suggest try saying and feeling : Om Namah Sivaya. One observed effect of this period is external obstacles through no present fault of ones own. It is a time to settle old karmic debts. The person is not under illusion or chasing mirages as during rahu periods. Caution :

I have not prescribed this before and have no data whatsover. If it works for you, please do let me know. Others can benefit. It is my personal belief that there is truth in the vimsottara dasa system. I have only subjective and anecdotal data for this, not exhaustive data. I have not conducted any large scale controlled experiments nor used any scientific method. the information is being shared for those who want to know.

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

1. 2. 3. Reference and Source of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. Refer Also : Graha means gravitational body not Planet.

Maitreya said that Jyothisha had 3 parts Hor, Ganita and Samhita. And he wished to learn Hora from Parasara, the father of Veda Vyasa.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

In this article, I am not going to reproduce the entire sastra, only some quotations.

Ch. 46. Dashas of Planets : Vimshottari 12-14. Beginning from ^Kritika, the Lords of Dashas are Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus in that order. Thus, if the Nakshatras from Kritika to the Janma Nakshatra are divided by nine, the remainder will signify the Lord of the commencing Dasha. The remaining Dashas will be of the Planets in the order, given above. In Kali Yuga the natural life-span of a human being is generally taken, as 120 years. Therefore Vimshottari Dasha is considered to be the most appropriate and the best of all Dashas. 15. The periods of Dashas of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus are 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20 in that order. Parasara quotes Siva in the 83rd chapter: Mahri Parasara replied. I will now tell you, whatever Lord Shiva told Goddess Parvati in this respect Later Chapters contains remedies, the manner of prayers to the navagrahas etc.

^ Starting with krithika is appropriate for that period in which this sastra was originally written. Other Notes and Comments : Some of the earlier chapters specifically Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are later additions, not written by Parasara. They may have been efforts to reconcile various schools of philosophy.

Ch. 1. The Creation: Lord Vishnu, coupled with r Shakti, rules over the three worlds. Coupled with Bhoo Shakti, He is Brahma causing the Universe. Coupled with Neel Shakti, He is Shiva, destroying the Universe. All beings contain both Jivatma and Paramatmas. The luminaries contain more of the Paramatma amsa (fraction). Ch. 2. Great Incarnations : The four incarnations, viz. Ram, Krishna, Narasimha and Varaha are wholly with Paramatm. 5-7. From Sun came the incarnation of Rama, from Moon that of *Krishna, from Mars that of Narasimha, from Mercury that of *Budha, from Jupiter that of Vamana, from Venus that of Parasurama, from Saturn that of Kurma (Tortoise), from Rahu that of Varaha (Boar) and from Ketu that of Matsya (Fish ) occurred. Incarnations other than these also are through the grahas. The beings with more Paramatm are called divine beings. The high degree of Paramatm from the grahas, viz. Sun etc. did incarnate, as Ram, Krishna etc. After completing the mission, the Paramatmas (of the respective) grahas again merge (in the respective) grahas. The Jivatma portions from the grahas take births, as human beings and live their lives according to their dasas and again merge in the grahas. Ch. 3. Planet Characters and Description : 4-6. Those are called grahas, which move through the Nakshatras (or stellar mansions) in the zodiac. The said zodiac comprises of 27 Nakshatras ** commencing from Ashvini. The same area is divided in 12 parts equal to 12 Ris commencing from Aries. The names of the grahas commence from Sun. The Ri rising is known, as Lagna. Based on Lagna and the Planets, joining and departing from each other, the natives good and bad effects are deducted. 18. Deities of Planets. Fire (Agni) (?), Water (Varuna), Subrahmanya (Lord Shivas son, following Ganesha), Maha Vishnu, Indra, Shachi Devi (the consort of Lord Indra) and Brahma (?) are the presiding deities of the 7 Planets in their order. The 24th verse describes the moon as a woman. This is in contrast to the later chapters where the Moon is decribed as male, consistent with other scriptures. Out of all the grahas Saturn is the eldest. He is lame and has big teeth. - But our tradition considers Saturn as the son of Surya. The greek Cronos, identified with the roman saturn, is the old one. Lord Brahma has described 16 kinds of Vargaas (Divisions) for each Ri 2-3. Parara: O Brahmin, listen to the account of placement of the heavenly bodies. Out of the many luminous bodies sighted in the skies some are nakshatras, yet some are grahas. Those, that have no movements, are the Nakshatras (asterisms). Ch. 6. The Sixteen Divisions of a Ri: The Ri, owned by a graha, is called its Kshetra.

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Ch. 10. Antidotes for Evils : Sun in 12th will confer a hundred-year life span on one born in Libra Lagna.

* Gautama Kasyapa Buddha was born in year 1790 of Kaliyuga and Parasara was a Dwapara Yuga Rishi. Either he refers to another Buddha, or this chapter/verse is a later addition. Also this speaks of Krishna as an avatar. Krishna was the great grandson generation to Parasara, he was a cousin to Vyasas grandchildren (the Kauravas). The date of this entire verse 5-7 is in doubt. ** The older texts commence from Krittika Nakshatram. A start from Ashwini Nakshatram indicates a later document.

Vimsottari Dasas for Sri Rama

Posted by satyask on September 8, 2009 Jai Sri Ram! Vimsottari Dasa System is one of the systems mentioned in Brihat Parasara Hora Sasatra for timing the events in a persons life. We start with the elapsed and remaining part of the Janmanakshatra. In the case of Sri Rama, the moon was in the last pada of Punarvasu. See : Date of Sri Ramas birth as per Balakanda. This means that 0 to 25% of the Guru Dasa was remaining, ie 0 to 4 years. First Iteration : Let us initially assume that 4 years were remaining. Also let us calculate for 120 years .. instead of for 100s of thousands of years as described by Valmiki. Guru Dasa Sesham : 4 years Sani Dasa Duration : 19 years. Age at exit : 23 years. (Exile During this period, when Rama was 16 years old (as per balakanda) Budha Dasa Duration ; 17 years. Age at exit : 40 years. (Return and Coronation during this period, when Rama was 30 years old: 16 + 14 = 30) Kethu Dasa Duration : 7 years : Age at exit : 47 years. (Sitas ) Sukra Dasa Duration : 20 years : Age at exit : 67 years.

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Hindu Predictive Astrology

Ravi Dasa Duration ; 6 years : : Age at exit : 73 years. Chandra Dasa Duration ; 10 years : : Age at exit : 83 years. Kuja Dasa Duration ; 7 years : : Age at exit : 90 years. Rahu Dasa Duration ; 18 years : : Age at exit : 108 years. Guru Dasa Duration ; 12 years : : Age at exit : 120 years.

Satya Sarada Kandula

Nakshatradhipatis from Vedic deities to Grahas, after Valmikis Ramayana

Posted by satyask on September 2, 2009 In the Valmiki Ramayanam, we find many references to Nakshatras. The adhipatyam of the nakshatras is ascribed to Vedic deities.

Raja Janaka said that the second of the two days of PoorvaPhalguni and Uttara Phalguni where the Bhaga (deity) was Prajapathi, was recommended by the wise for marriage. (See : Sita Devi ) O brahmin! on the latter day of the two Phalgunis, in which day, : Prajapati, : Bhaga, to perform marriage, : wise people, are praising. Similarly Raja Dasaratha selected the Pushya Nakshatram of Chaitra Masam for Ramas coronation. (See : Arrangements were made for Sri Ramas coronation as a crown prince and Dasaratha sent for Rama to tell him about his coronation.) There are references to rasis in the balakanda : : then, when sacrifice, was completed, of seasons, six, : were spent, : then, in twelfth month, in Chaitra month, on the nineth day of the rising Moon, presided by Aditi as devata, when the star (Punarvasu) , and the five grahas, in their own exalted places (houses), in Karkata Lagna, when Brihaspati, along with Moon, was rising, Kausalya, lord of the entire universe, bowed to by all the worlds, adorned with all the characteristics, : Vishnus, facet, highly fortunate, perpetuating the Ikshvaku race, Rama, as his son, gave birth . Source Note that there is a mention of grahas ( ) and of rasis ( ) but the naksharadhipati was Aditi : when the nakshatra presided by Aditi as devata Dasaratha, Kausalya and their sons were always compared to Vedic Deities such as Indra, Aditi, Yama, Varuna etc.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

Contemporary Hindu Astrology : This ascribes the adhipatyam (lordship) of the Nakshatras to Grahas. The vimsottari dasa calculations are based on this. This probably happened when the brihat parasara hora sastra became popular. This sastra was taught by Veda Vyasas father, Parasara to Maitreya. By Valmikis time, it may have been just beginning to gain acceptance. Valmiki and Vyasa were contemporaries, with Valmiki somewhat older to Vyasa. See (Generations between Rama and Krishna.) Note: The muhurta selection, in the Ramayana was done by the kings themselves and not their priests and the muhurtam was sun-rise in both cases. Nowadays, the muhurta is selected any time of the day or night. It may also be noted that then a muhurta was a time unit of 48 min duration, but many modern Hindu weddings have to be performed at an exact instant, which is labelled the muhurtam.

Nakshatras based Gifts as per the Mahabharata

Posted by satyask on June 15, 2009 Source : Anusasana Parva of the Mahabharata, as translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli. Dharmaraja asked Bhishma about the effect of making Danas under different nakshatras. Then Bhishma told him what Narada had explained to Devaki. (..and I now share it with you). Devaki then explained it to her daughters-in-law, the wives of Sri Krishna.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

By gratifying, O blessed lady, deserving Brahmanas with Payasa mixed with ghee, under the constellation Krittika one attains toregions of great happiness. (Easy to do even today) Under the constellation Rohini, one should for freeing oneself from the debt one owes to the Brahmanas make gift unto them of many handfuls of venison along with rice and ghee and milk, and other kinds of edibles and drinks. One giving away a cow with a calf under the constellation called Somadaivata (or Mrigasiras), proceeds from this region of human beings to a region in heaven of great felicity. One undergoing a fast and giving away Krisara mixed with sesame, transcends all difficulties in the next world, including those mountains with rocks sharp as razors. (This must be for Arudra). By making gifts, O beautiful lady, of cakes and other food under the constellation Punarvasu one becomes possessed of personal beauty and great fame and takes birth in ones next life in a family in which there is abundance of food. Making a gift of wrought or unwrought gold, under the constellation Pushya, one shines in effulgence like Soma himself in regions of surrounding gloom. He who makes a gift, under the constellation Aslesha, of silver of a bull, becomes freed from every fear and attains to great affluence and prosperity. By making a gift, under the constellation Magha, of earthen dishes filled with sesame, one becomes possessed of children and animals in this world and attains to felicity in the next.

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Hindu Predictive Astrology 9.

Satya Sarada Kandula

For making gifts unto Brahmanas, under the constellation called Purva-Phalguni of food mixed with Phanita the giver observing a fast the while, reward is great prosperity both here and hereafter. rice called Shashthika, one attains to great honours in heaven. Whatever gifts are made by men under the constellation of Uttara-Phalguni produce great merit, which, again, becomes inexhaustible. This is very certain.

10. By making a gift, under the constellation called Uttara-Phalguni, of ghee and milk with

11. Observing a fast the while, the person that makes, under the constellation Hasta, a gift of

a car with four elephants, attains to regions of great felicity that are capable of granting the fruition of every wish. in bliss in regions of Apsaras like the deities sporting in the woods of Nandana. regions as one desires and wins besides great fame.

12. By making a gift, under the constellation Chitra, of a bull and of good perfumes, one sports 13. By making gifts of wealth under the constellation Swati, one attains to such excellent 14. By making gifts, under constellation Visakha, of a bull, and a cow that yields a copious
measure of milk, a cart full of paddy, with a Prasanga for covering the same, and also cloths for wear, a person gratifies the Pitris and the deities attains to inexhaustible merit in the other world. Such a person never meets with any calamity and gratifies the Pitris and the deities and attains to inexhaustible merit in the other world. Such a person never meets with any calamity and certainly reaches heaven. By making gifts unto the Brahmanas of whatever articles they solicit, one attains to such means of subsistence as one desires, and becomes rescued from hell and every calamity that visits a sinner after death. This is the certain conclusion of the scriptures. vestments and of food, observing a fast the while, one becomes honoured in heaven for a hundred Yugas. roots, one attains to great prosperity as also to such an end as is desirable. restrained soul, one gratifies the Pitris and attains to a desirable end.

15. By making gifts, under the constellation Anuradha of embroidered cloth and other

16. By making a gift under the constellation Jyeshtha, of the potherb called Kalasaka with the 17. By making unto Brahmanas a gift under the constellation Mula, of fruits and roots, with a 18. By making under the constellation Purvashadha, a gift, unto a Brahmana conversant with
the Vedas and of good family and conduct, of cups filled with curds, while one is in the observance of a fast, one takes birth in ones next life in a family possessed of abundant kine.

19. One obtains the fruition of every wish, by making gifts, under the
constellation Uttarashadha, of jugs full of barley-water, with ghee and inspissated juice of sugarcane in abundance.

20. By making a gift under the conjunction called Abhijit, of milk with honey and ghee unto
men of wisdom, a righteous person attains to heaven and becomes an object of attention and honour there.

21. By making under the conjunction Sravana, a gift of blankets or other cloth of thick texture,
one roves freely through every region of felicity, riding on a white car of pure resplendence.

22. By making with a restrained soul, under the constellation Dhanishtha, a gift of a vehicle
with bulls yoked thereto, or heaps of cloths and wealth, one at once attains to heaven in ones next life. and sandalwood, one attains in the next world to the companionship of Apsaras as also eternal perfumes of diverse kinds.

23. By making gifts, under the constellation Satabhisha, of perfumes with Aquilaria Agallocha 24. By making gifts, under the constellation Purva-Bhadrapada, or Rajamasha, one attains to
great happiness in the next life and becomes possessed of an abundant stock of every kind of edibles and fruits. such an act attains to inexhaustible merit in the next world.

25. One who makes, under the constellation Uttara, a gift of mutton, gratifies the Paris by 26. Unto one who makes a gift, under the constellation Revati, of a cow with a vessel of white
copper for milking her, the cow so given away approaches in the next world, ready to grant the fruition of every wish.

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Satya Sarada Kandula

27. By making a gift, under the constellation Aswini, of a car with steeds yoked thereto, one is
born in ones next life in a family possessed of numerous elephants and steeds and cars, and becomes endued with great energy.

28. By making, under the constellation Bharani, a gift unto the Brahmanas of kine and
sesame, one acquires in ones next life great fame and an abundance of kine.

Authorship and Copyright Notice : All Rights Reserved : Satya Sarada Kandula All Rights for Sourced Material Vest with the source.

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