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Pray & Work for


J ustice

The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the conduct and courage of this army

3 July anno domini 1776

If YOU (or your Loved one) has had an Aborticide YOU are forgiven VOTE the Pro-Life side to save others!

Washington Times 7 Oct. a.d. 2003 PRAY in a.d. 2012, Let US continue to Appeal to Heaven 2011

ObamasCare violates Thou shall not 6-Kill, 8-Steal,10-Covet


There are many more dangers posed by the ObamasCare than just the issue of Aborticide access, there is the question of killing the elderly or disabled, those too costly to provide Care as Death Panels rule. In each of their hands are the fate of unborn millions of Americans...
resist with care the specious pretext of Obamas Care. with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, however

If most of these supreme Court justices rule ObamasCare Constitutional, it is the FAREWELL TO AMERICA & her cherished CONSTITUTION !
(P.S. Small case s in supreme as in Article III of this Constitution for the United States ofAmerica.)

Toward the preservation of your government it is requisite that you resist

specious the pretexts. One method of assault may be to effect in forms of the
Constitution alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown.

We the People
can overturn any supreme Court ungodly ruling
(Roe, Doe) by Citizen coordinated action, county by county, in what the wise Justice Antonin Scalia called in Williams the fourth branch of government, our Grand Jury. (see Amendment V to read on this Right.)

1. ObamasCare undermines Citizen Choice & thus OVERTHROWS LIBERTY on specious pretext!

-- George Washington, Farewell Address, 17 Sep. a.d. 1796

Let it simply be asked, where is the sense for property, for reputation, for LIFE,

if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments in courts of justice?

2. ObamasCare includes Pro-Choice to Kill Babies, denying Life and Justice to GWs unborn millions.

-- George Washington, Farewell Address, 17 Sep. a.d. 1796

Contact: President Washington, GW@ConstitutionCollege.US, or text to 703-NRA-1776

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