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Samuel Geiger

11qz Carlton Rd, Cleveland, oh 1o6

education Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, oh
bachelor of science, zo1z
major: chemical engineering
gpa: .8
experience E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, de zo1zpresent
eld engineer
Primus Power, San Francisco, ca zo11zo1z
electrochemical engineering intern
developed and ran accelerated battery lifetime testing equipment to determine
plausible electrode degradation mechanisms
studied the ow, electrolyte formulation, and current density for optimum nucle
ation of electroplated zinc
analyzed results from electrochemical and inorganic characterization methods
Ishida Research Group, cwru zooqzo11
investigated the synthesis, purication, and processing of thermosetting polymers
presented research projects at the zo1o and zo11 American Chemical Society
Spring National Expositions
ppg Industries, Cleveland, oh zoo8
worked with engineers to learn basic operations of a chemical plant
pulications Tarek Agag, Samuel Geiger, Hatsuo Ishida. Polybenzoxazines of enhanced thermal
properties: The role of additional non-benzoxazine polymerizable groups. Handbook of
Benzoxazine Resins. New York: Elsevier, zo11.
Tarek Agag, Samuel Geiger, Saeed Alhassan, Syed Qutubuddin, Hatsuo Ishida. Low-
viscosity polyether-based main-chain benzoxazine polymers: Precursors for exible ther
mosetting polymers. Macromolecules. (zo1o): 1zz.
awards omnova Solutions Foundation Scholarship for Exemplary Coursework and Research
Source Symposium and Poster Session: 1
place award
cwru Varsity Swimming: captain, conference nalist
Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America: elected steward, risk manager
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
ppg Industries Foundation Scholarship
computer BioLogic ec-Lab, chemcad, Labview, Multisim, Mnova Suite, OriginPro, Chemdraw,
comsol Multiphysics, Mathematica, matlab, L
X, Java, Visual Basic for Applica
tions, R, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Oce Suite, Apple iWork Suite

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