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Current Fuel Cost Number of trucks in fleet? Miles driven per year?

What is your average mile per gallon? How many miles do you get on a set of steer tires? How many miles do you get on a set of drive tires? How many miles do you get on a set of trailer tires? What is the average cost to purchase all new tires on your truck and trailer? How many flat tires do you have per year? What is the average cost to repair the flats? How many tires are on your rig? Average miles per set of tires Gallons of fuel Total cost of fuel Cost of flat tire repairs Longer tread life of tires in miles @ 20% Annual estimated fuel savings @5% Estimated annual fleet savings of fuel and tire repairs with Amerseal Estimated tire savings per year Total estimated annual savings Total amount of ounces Amerseal needed to install in your tires. Total amount of Amerseal in gallons needed to install in your tires. Total 5 gallon buckets of Amerseal needed Amount of 5 Gallon buckets needed Price of Amerseal 5 gallon bucket pump Sub Total Tax per state Total sales tax Total sale

4.15 1 100000 6.5 125000 150000 125000 7200 0 0 18 133333 15385 $63,846.15 $26,667 $3,192.31 $3,192.31 $1,440.00 $4,632.31 846 6.6 1.32 10 $2,499.90 87.5 $2,587.40 $0.00 $2,587.40

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