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1. Moon in happy state means in friendly sign gives happy mind and big milky bobs. Also.

If moon aspects its own house (4th), it gives same results and make it white. Moon in sign of 2,6,10,4,8,12 gives same results. 2. Mars in happy state gives passion and good physique n energy. Mars in sign, 1,5,9,3,7,11 give same results. Mars aspecting lagna or in lagna or aspecting own house (3,) give same results. 3. Venus gives beauty wen aspecting own house (7th house) i.e venus is in 1st house.or is in own 7th house. In fav sign ,2,6,10,4,8,12 it gives same result. 4. Mercury gives intelgnce. 5. Jupiter gives good legs. 6. Saturn gives slim n muscular. 7. Jupiter aspctn lagna lord or in lagna gives heavy body.

If person is not musclr or slim, his satrn may not be good. Heavy build means Jupiter is good. Energetic means mars is good. Attrctv bauty means venus is good. Cheerful moon is good. Spiritual ketu is good. Photogenic face, rahu is good.

To what we got attracted or our mind easily swayed on: Mind is moon. So, planets aspecting moon n planets vd moon affect the same. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mars aspectng moon means native gt easily attrctd to passion, energy, competition,speed. Venus aspectng moon means gy attrctd to beauty, art, females, dance, pleasure etc. Sun aspct moon gt attrctd to royal thing . Merc aspct gt attrct to writing, intelgnc, maths, English, communctn,young grls Juot aspct means atrct to religion, god,truth. Rahu means attrct to schemes, cheating , decving,photography. Ketu means spitual.. Sat means attc to seriousns, philosophy, hrd wrk, manual wrk.

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