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2) Present a clear and well formulated aim with at least two research questions which will help you

fulfill your aim. This field study is mainly looking for the answers to two questions: First, our aim is to investigate the perception of sustainability in Sweden (and make a comparison to what it could be outside of Sweden. ) Second, we are attempting to discover how the public in Sweden is practicing sustainability in their daily lives in Sweden.

5) A chapter where you critically discuss and reflect upon your findings (and perhaps even more interesting; what you didnt find). This study is wayyyyyy too narrow to draw any actual conclusions about sustainability in Sweden it actually says more about the individuals who responded on FB. Participants were not a random sampling. Also we hope the participants answered honestly, but there is a possibility that some may not have. What other factors could be influencing answers...

Things that can influence/constrain how individuals integrate sustainability practices in their daily lives: Age??? Resource availability compost bins, trash sorting bins, distance to refuse facility / dumpsters. What do the local stores sell in support of sustainablily local food and green products Also the presence of green norms in ones social circle, or even in the community in their particular residential area. Education level and awareness of sustainable practices, financial situation. What the person perceives as the motivation/incentive to perform sustainable practices 7) An appendix with your interview questions. 8) A complete and correctly written reference list.

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