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Determining Convergent and Discriminant Validity

Tutorial for how to use the Validity tab and Covariance Cleaner tab in the Stats Tools package. 1. The first thing you want to do is remove any existing data in columns A-D in the Covariance Cleaner tab.

2. Next you want to copy your correlations table from the AMOS output.

3. Then paste the entire table into Cell A1.

4. Then click on the button and wait for the macro to finish running. Youll know it is done when the button reappears.

5. Now copy the estimates for the first factor. In this case, we will copy all the estimates for the factor called RDf

6. Paste these values into one of the Shared Variance column on the Validity tab.

7. Type the values from your AMOS output Standardized Regression Weights table into the Standardized Loadings column.

8. This will cause the green table on the right to auto-populate.

9. The interpretation for these results is shown on the Validity Tutorial tab. If these rules are met, then we have good validity, otherwise we have issues. If there are issues, the values in the green table will turn red.

10. To do this for the entire model, just repeat steps 5-8 for each factor.

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