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Nasredine Boujmil

22 years BP :7188 Zohour II Route de Sefrou Fes. Mobile : 0672312583 E-mail : Single Driving license Moroccan nationality

February the 1st, 2012

Subject: Internship application for my final graduation Dear Mr Director

I have read, in Webs page, your need for a Networks Trainee . I believe that I have the credentials for the position. Being very sensitive to the reputation of your company, I am sharing my interest in joining one of your teams through an internship for a period of four months for my project s graduation. The quality and thoroughness of work within your group is for me an incentive motivation. Future State Engineer of the National School of Applied Sciences in FES, I had the opportunity during my internship in three companies (ONCF and FMPF and 3GCOM in Morocco) not only to implement my technical knowledge but also to understand the constraints of corporate life. The ability to work in teams, the sense of responsibility, communication skills and a sense of autonomy are assets that I will put at your service. I will be ready to bring you more information on the date that you should be my internship. I will contact you to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Nasredine Boujmil.

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