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Reservoir Geoscience

Dr Mohamed KA. MA. Khalifa Senior Lecturer in Seismic/Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basin Analysis Geoscience & Petroleum Engineering Department Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia D/L:605-368 7038 Fax: 605-365 5670 Email:


Course outline
(Reservoir Geoscience)
MKH: Dr. Mohamed Khalifa (Course coordinator). Coursework: (50%) Test-1 (10%) Test-2 (10%) Quizzes (10%) Test/Lab. ( 5%) Exercises (5%) Assignments (5%) Fieldwork: (5%) - 24 March, 2012 (Time: 7:30 AM to 5 PM) ---------------------------------------Final Examination: (50%)
REFERENCES: Stratigraphic reservoir characterization geophysicists and engineers Roger M. Slatt.




Outcome today
Fundamentals of sedimentology and stratigraphy

Classification of sedimentary rocks

Stratification/sedimentary structures

Fundamentals of sedimentology and stratigraphy

Classification of sedimentary rocks. Stratification/sedimentary structures. Law of stratigraphy. Breaks in the record. Depositional environments. Facies and facies change. Strata is the layering of the Earths sedimentary rock layers into beds, either or layers over geological time.

Why are geologists interested in studying stratigraphy?

The study of rock strata, with emphasis on their succession, age, correlation, form, distribution, lithology, fossil content, and all other characteristics useful in interpreting their environment of origin and geologic history.

Classification of sedimentary rocks

Weathering (physical, chemical and biological processes) Transportation Deposition

Sedimentary (settling)rock


Cementation and compaction


Classification Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are particularly important in the interpretation of stratigraphic history.

Classification of sedimentary rocks

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