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Web Quest Short Essay Instructions Write a short essay stating whether you would like to live in ancient

Rome or Athens. You need to state at least four reasons why you would rather live in that city, and your reasons need to be supported by facts. The essay needs to be at least 10 complete sentences. Scoring Guide 1 2 3 4

Introductio n/ Conclusion Reasons

Doesnt state reason for writing. No conclusion statement. 1-2 reasons for why city was chosen. Reasons may not make sense. No supporting facts.

Reason for writing is not clearly stated. No strong conclusion. 2-3 reasons for why city was chosen. Might repeat a reason and one may not make sense. 1-2 supporting facts for reasons.

Introduction or conclusion is strong, but the other might not be as clear or strong 4 reasons for why city was chosen. One reason may be repeated or illogical. At least one supporting fact for each reason. Might have one random fact. At least one full page for your own topic. 1-2 facts from other topics. Cites at least 3 sources.

Reason for writing is clearly stated in introduction and has strong conclusion 4 or more different reasons for why city was chosen. At least one supporting fact for each reason. Facts support reasons. At least one full page of important information on your T-chart and at least 3 important facts for Rome and Greece in other topics. Cites at least 3 sources 10 or more complete sentences with varied structure.

Supporting Facts


Less than page of important information on your own topic and 1-2 facts from other topics. Does not cite sources. 5 or less complete sentences.

Less than one full page of important information on your own topic and 1-2 facts from other topics. Cites 12 sources. 6-7 complete sentences.


8-10 complete sentences. Sentence structure is not varied

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