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Guitar center Hollywood, California 25/06/11 SET LIST:
01-American Jesus 02-Wrong Way Kids 03-Sorrow 04-Generator 05-The Resist Stance 06-21st Century (Digital Boy) 07-Infected

Master Hall Curitiba, Brasil 13/04/07 SET LIST:

01-American Jesus (cuts in) 02-I Want To Conquer The World 03-Let Them Eat War 04-21st Century (Digital Boy) (cut) 05-Do What You Want 06-The Defense 07-Anesthesia 08-Infected 09-Supersonic 10-Prove It 11-Can't Stop It 12-Sanity 13-No Control 14-Epiphany 15-Los Angeles Is Burning 16-Struck A Nerve 17-Recipe For Hate 18-Generator 19-Heroes And Martyrs 20-Fuck Armageddon... This Is Hell 21-Along The Way 22-Sorrow

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