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Isoniazid - Microbiology 1. What is the mode-of-action of isoniazid? 2. Discuss the development of resistance to isoniazid Isoniazid - Pharmacology 1.

Describe the disease this drug is used to treat Include some symptoms the patient might experience. 2. What are the pharmacodynamic properties of isoniazid? How does this drug work in the body 3. Form your patient records you notice the patient is taking carbamazepine explain how this may be a problem? 4. If your patient tells you she plans to become pregnant and hopes to breast feed will this have any implications for using isoniazid? Isoniazid - Practice 1. Name the products isoniazid come in? What other drugs are in these formulations? 2. What side effects would you be worried about with isoniazid? What signs or symptoms should the patient be aware of? 3. Briefly explain the treatment regimens for patients with TB. 4. Why might pyridoxine be added to the drug regimen?

References: Summary of Product Characteristics and Patient Information Leaflet Available at:

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