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2 An overview of Cellular Respiration Production of ATP is fast Glucose is the building block in the synthesis of energy storing compounds

1. Glycolosis one molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of the threecarbon compound pyruvate. Two ATP molecules are produces from ADP, and one molecules of NAD+ is reduced to form NADH. 2. Pyruvate processing- Pyruvate is processed to form the compound Acetyl-CoA. During this step, another molecule of NADH is produces 3. Citric acid cycle- Acetyl- CoA is oxidized to two molecules of CO2. During this sequence of reactions, more ATP and NADH are produced and flavine adenine dinucleotide (fad) is reduced to from FADH2 4. Electron transport and chemiosmosis Electrons from NADH and FADH2 move through a series of proteins called an electron transport chain. The potential energy released during these redox reactions is used to create a proton gradient across a membrane; the ensuing flow of protons back across the membrane makes ATP Cellular respiration: any suite of reactions that produces ATP in an electron transport chain.

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