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Brycen Waters Event Evaluation: History Society Mini-Retreat

Fulfilling part of my duty as the student advisor to two clubs and organizations on campus, it decided to create a mini-retreat for the History Society. I did this because I found that that History Society was lacking in terms of organization, confidence, leadership, and knowledge of the basic ways in order to run a club or organization smoothly. In this retreat, I had the President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer attend a workshop that I designed. This workshop helped to define what the individual positions on the Executive Board were designed for, how they could work together more effectively, an example of how to run a general club meeting, we explored their current constitution, and other things. This really seemed to help. Each member of the executive board took notes the entire time and seemed very interested and motivated to improve the condition of their club. At the end of the retreat, I also taught them how to effectively and successfully program on a college campus by presenting my presentation that I did for the student leadership conference here at MCLA. Finally, I asked them to write down some of their goals and program ideas they have for the club and how they feel that they can make this happen. They shared this with the group and it really seemed to be beneficial because they all got a sense of what the other executive board members were hoping for. I got positive feedback from the History Society and their current Advisor, Anthony Daly about the retreat. It has also shown in their current general club meetings how they have become more organized. Things I would do differently with a retreat in the future would be to start with them asking questions and seeing what they think they need to improve upon as a club instead of focusing on what I think they should improve upon.

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